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Monday, July 19, 2010

We have Peaches!

I just got 3 bushels of peaches from our fruit co-op! Mom and I spent all day Sunday canning them, whew, were we ever tired after that!

But, we now have fresh canned peaches for the winter! 58 quarts to be exact! We will really enjoy these come winter time! I put another 1/2 bushel in the freezer for smoothies. Yah is good!

Friday, July 16, 2010

4th of July - No Celebration

The past few weeks have been difficult. First the Water Hemlock scare and then Shelly's horse Sasha is sick. She came up colicky and we had the vet out on Sabbath. We walked her around and around the back yard all weekend. She finally was feeling better but she had started getting sores on her hip bones. We thought it was from rolling, but they were not getting better... we called the vet again and he gave us an antibiotic to give her.

Then Shelly's cat, Barucha, was hit by a car. The neighbor came over to ask if it was hers. We found her collar. :( Shelly was devastated, her horse is sick and now her cat was dead.

Four days into the antibiotic, Sasha was dead. After talking to the vet and discussing what may have happened, as well as deciding we couldn't afford an autopsy, we had the county come out and bury her.

I prayed, I pleaded, but alas, there is death and dieing on the farm along with life. Sometimes there is no way to know how or why. This has been a tough year of losses. Maybe it is preparation for things to come. Maybe it is a test to see if we continue to give glory to the One who gives life. Maybe... ?

In all situations, we give Glory to the One True Creator and Life Giver of all things, YHVH, for His love for us is above measure and understanding! As with Job, what he takes away, he will restore if we remain faithful.