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Sunday, July 24, 2011

Taking the Heat!

Hi friends,

The heat has hit Shekinah Farm hard! One of our horses, Hicks, collapsed and died the day before my birthday (not a happy gift) and Aviva (our youngest bred heifer) had a still birth. The calf was a bull and was half born when I went out to check on her. I pulled him the rest of the way out and gave Avi some food, water, probiotics and a vit. B complex shot. She was fine by the next morning. But the heat is bringing much concern and sad tidings here.

Our farm has a pond and a stand of trees at the back of the pasture that gives a cool area for the animals. Typically, the animals are in separate paddocks, but during the worst heat we open them up and let them all go to the back of the pasture to the pond and trees so they can stay cool and have plenty of water, and we watch them very closely for issues... unfortunately, this just was not enough for Hicks. In the morning he was doing fine, by mid day he was dead. This is a very difficult loss on our farm.

The heat has also taken it's toll on our milk and egg production. The chickens are stressed and are not laying as much as they should and the cows are slowing down milk production. It looks as if we may have to come up with some other options for keeping the animals cool during the unusual heat we are having.

If the heat continues like this through August and September, I'm not sure what we will do. The animals are already stressed and I'm afraid we may have more losses this year. Praying Yah's hand on Shekinah Farm!

Friday, July 15, 2011

Essential Oils!

Hi Ya'll,
Well, here we go again! We are gearing up for our Essential Oils order and I wanted to include some recipes and Ideas here for you to consider while you are ordering!

1/4 tsp Eucalyptus oil to 8 -10 oz water in a spray bottle is great for discouraging fleas on pup and kitty!
Lavender oil uncut, put immediately on a minor burn will reduce heat and stop burning.
Tea Tree oil is antifungal
Oregano oil is anti-viral and antibacterial... it is also safe both externally and internally

Many of you use Thieves Oil so here is a link to the research and recipe that I use

Here is another link with some wonderful advise for using Essential Oils... Lots of good information!

Share your recipes with us!
deodorizing, cleaning and sanitizing the home
health care
animal health
Tell us what you use!