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Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Update on Life... Shelly

Life in the fast lane!
Blessings to all!

Shelly has recovered well from her last seizure event. (Praise Yah!)
Well, we visited the Neurosurgeon and she is really nice. She said she does 90 of these surgeries each year and has done them for the past 5 years and spent 7 years before that working with another Neurosurgeon on the same surgeries. We feel that Shelly will be well cared for. (She will be in Yah’s Hands!)

We were informed that she will loose all of her hair on the left side and the doc recommended that all of it come off. This is a big blow for a 17 yr old girl who loves her hair! She has decided to have it cut before going for surgery and donating her beautiful braids to Locks of Love.

We have been registered to stay at the Ronald McDonald house ($10/night), however there is a waiting list of 20 people before us! We were told that we may have to stay at a local hotel ($50/night) until a room is available.

We will go down to B-ham on Weds, Jan 20th in the evening. On the 21st we will see the doc again and do pre admittance blood work and paperwork. On the 22nd she will have her first surgery that will place the mesh on her brain. She will then be monitored for seizures until they get the data necessary to map the area to be removed. The second surgery will then be scheduled. The second surgery will be to remove the mesh and the area of the brain causing seizures.

We are planning to be there for 2 weeks, but hope to be home sooner. How long we stay will be determined by how quickly her seizures come and they are able to get the data necessary for the second surgery.

How to pray:
*For Shelly to have peace, and not fear, and her pain be minimal
*G-d’s hand guide the surgeon
*A room to open at the Ronald McDonald house the day we arrive and finances be available for the stay.
*For her seizures to come quickly and the data be gathered swiftly
*Pray against the enemy and his devices
*All is done as G-d directs
*A quick recovery

Thank you for your prayers! They are coveted!

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