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Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Happy New Year!

Today, at sundown, we will be entering into the new Biblical year. The Barley was found to be at the correct state of ripeness (Aviv) and the moon could not be seen last night due to it’s position in the sky in Israel, so the new moon has been differed to the 30th day after the past new moon.

In 14 days we will be celebrating Passover and then Unleavened Bread. We look forward to the Spring Feasts and remember the coming of our Messiah Yeshua (Jesus) to take the place of the lamb of Passover that was slain for our redemption.

We will be spring cleaning until Passover to remove the leaven from our home, our life, our heart. The most important thing is to look for sin in our heart and things in our life that may cause us to sin. This year the Father has put on my heart to be careful of mixing. This is a primary theme throughout the Word. When the people made the golden calf while Moses was on the mountain, they said that there was a Holy day and that they would worship the Creator G-d with the golden calf they built. G-d was furious! He does not want us to worship him the way that the pagans worship their gods. Over and over he reminds us not to mix or mingle. We will be cleaning out things that may be mixing in our home and our lifestyle.

There is controversy about which year it will be, but Michael Rood suggests that this is the year 6010. I think his info is accurate and important so check out his sight.

Happy New Year!

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