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Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Co-op order for July and New Co-op!!!

Hi Everyone!
We have recently signed up with Bulk Natural Foods to be a pick up person for fresh fruits, veggies, grains, nuts and seeds (a much more, check out their website). This is an easy to do co-op, you order directly from them and tell them where you want to pick up the order… they set up the orders and I pick them up and
bring them to the pick up point (my house unless you are on my way
home, Ardmore for example.) I will be set up to start our pick up
location for the July order. I am very excited about this one because
it will give us fresh fruits and veggies in bulk that you can dry, can
or freeze for winter!

I am still doing the co-op from Harvest Time Natural foods and can get
up-to-date prices from them when you send your order. Our next co-op
order from Harvest Time will be June 27th Please contact me with your
orders by then so I can fax them by the 28th.. this will get our order
in shortly after the 1st of the month. You can find co-op information


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