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Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Busy Days at the Farm!

Hey Ya'll!

I'm crazy busy!!!

We are in the midst of summer growing season. Picking blueberries and strawberries, fighting bugs and ensuring all the vegs are keeping.

We are doing the Farmer's Market on Tuesdays, I'm selling yarn and bread, among other things. This week it was blueberries and kale.

Ricky is getting Married on Sunday

Ricky is getting his apartment ready in Knoxville for their move (they will be going to UT this fall!) Satch has been helping him move.

I borrowed a carder again and have been carding and blending fiber to make yarn.

I joined Tour de Fleece (a spinning activity that coincides with the Tour de France, while they ride we spin.) this year (my first) and I'm trying to spin every day. (I know, crazy with a wedding and everything else!) But, it is relaxing and very therapeutic during this busy time.

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