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Sunday, June 22, 2014


Our interns have began recording wise words from Grandpa Buster. He has little sayings that he repeats often and we would like to share them with you!

"He who is in a rush gets no place in a hurry."

"Blind in one eye and can't see outa the other."

"Me, I don't pay no attention." (Usually mentioned regarding someone acting silly.)

"Don't kiss by the garden gate, love is blind but the neighbors ain't."

"Work, that's a bad 4 letter word!"

"Haste makes waste."

"In the Army, thinking is dangerous!"

"That'll get you drunk." (Referring to any alcoholic beverage.)

"Each burp makes room for more."

"It's hard doin' nothin'." (Referring to not being able to work.)

"Why cry over spilt milk? It won't do no dogon good."

"Bed just goes too dogon fast!" (Referring to sleep.)

"I may be walkin' funny, but at least I'm walkin'." (Unfortunately, he is wheelchair bound again.)

"There's a reason for everything."

"Life is weird."

I hope you enjoy these words of wisdom from Richard 'Buster' Berry (Satch's Dad).

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