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Saturday, February 5, 2011

Shabbat Shalom!

Well, I did it again, got too busy to post a picture and say, "Sabbath Peace" to everyone yesterday.

We have been busy this past week. Grandpa had to go to the VA twice for his annual 'I'm healthy' appointments. Shelly had her usual therapy day and I spent two days trying to work on co-op orders. We are waiting on the bucket order shipping totals and discussing options.

Shelly had an interesting day on Thursday! She stayed in the house to do inside clean up while I went out to do chores. When I came in she had an odd look on her face. I wasn't sure what it was but in a few minutes she shared that she was cutting cardboard for the cook stove and cut my table cloth. She had cut through my plastic table cloth, through the cloth table cloth and into my oak table underneath! She was so worried that I would get mad... I didn't, just hugged her, explained that she should have cut the cardboard on one of the blocks of wood, and asked if she learned anything. She said she learned not to use the box cutter on anything except a block of wood. Tables are just things, if worse comes to worse, I would use the furniture in my house to supply heat for my family, a few scratches won't matter!

Shortly after that incident, I had to take Grandpa to the VA. While waiting I called the house to see if Shelly was ok. She said the fire had gone out on the stove. After the morning incident, I suggested she get Ricky and ask him to re-light the fire. When I got home the house was full of smoke and smelled like sulfur. I asked if Ricky had just been in messing with the fire, Shelly's reply was no. Upon further questioning I found out that Ricky had left the box of matches on the top of the stove and they caught on fire. Poor Shelly was here by herself with a box of matches blazing on the stovetop. She responded quickly and put the fire out and removed the matches to the burn can and I walked in the door at that point to find the smoke filled house.

Shelly was a bit shook up so we decided to do something fun. We made blueberry muffins. We didn't quite have enough flour to make them so Shelly pulled out the wheat grinder and began grinding some flour... all of a sudden Poof! The flour bin disconnected from the grinder and flour flew everywhere! After cleaning up the mess we made muffins and sat down and ate one... what a day!

We are all enjoying a quiet, restful sabbath without incident!

Here are a couple pics for you for our pics of the day.

A 6 gallon butter churn. I haven't used this one, I never have 6 gals of cream to make butter with!

A popcorn popper. This one is for using over a fire. I have another one for on the stove. I post that pic tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. What a day Shelly! I know that must have been scary! You did the right thing with that fire by acting fast and keeping your cool enough to deal with it! Good job!
