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Thursday, March 31, 2011

Currently in the Garden...

We are getting ready to add some jerusalem artichokes, horseradish, pommes,  and other perennials to the garden as well. I'll post those pics when we get them in the ground... in the mean time here is what is growing now... (of course the potatoes are still in the ground but not growing yet)

Onions, cabbage and broccoli share this raised bed.

Our strawberries are blooming! Yay!

Isn't it cute! :) A strawberry in the making.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

New Calf!

Shemayim had her calf today! Yay! We had just dried off 31 because of mastitis issues and I was wishing for some fresh milk today when Daddy came in and said, "Get your boots and your camera, we have a calf!"
Shemayim's little heifer calf about an hour old... she was at the back of the pasture and we decided to bring her and Mama up to the half repaired barn.

Here she is... she has no name yet, she is still wobbly in the legs.

Mama in the stanchion eating and baby by her side... she is little!

We will milk the colostrum out and save it for emergencies in the freezer. It is good for about 6 months. One of her teats were hard and hot... that means infection is trying to set in already... the baby will not drink from it because it is difficult to get milk from. We will treat it will mastitis treatment tonight and tomorrow morning. She'll be good to go tomorrow night. In a week her colostrum will be gone and fresh milk will be flowing!

It has been a long, tiring life so far... time for a nap!

Food in the yard...

As the spring comes we begin looking for food that grows wild in the yard. Several plants are growing that can be used as food or for medicinals. Here are a couple of naturally growing plants that are beneficial.

Henbit (has little purple flowers that look like hen's beaks)

Chickweed (has little white flowers and small leaves)
Both of these are beneficial... research them and look for them in your yard! You'll be amazed at what you might find to eat!

Monday, March 21, 2011

Project of the week... Potatoes

Sunday we plowed and planted potatoes. I didn't get pics so I took a pic of the field after they have been planted. I'll get another pic of them when they start to sprout.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

And it shall come to pass in that day!

Gen 12:3 says:
And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.

Zechariah 12:3,9:
And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people;
And it shall come to pass in that day, that I will seek to destroy all
the nations that come against Jerusalem.

Abraham was the father of Israel, The father of all Yah called as his people, both the natural born and the sojourners that dwell with them. All who curse Israel will be cursed and all that stand with Israel will be blessed. 

Zechariah tells us that all the nations that come against Jerusalem (the place where Yah placed his name) He will seek to destroy!

With the events going on around the world, let us first look at many correlations between a government's stand with or against Israel and the devastation or blessings that Yahweh brings. This is not just Spiritual Israel! The land is chosen... It is the place Yah chose to place his name, a promise to his people... All of his people have been scattered and not all of us are there yet, but he will bring us to his promised land in his time. In the mean time, we must stand with Israel!

Here is a website that chronicles world events and Yah's hand against countries who stand against Israel.

As you look at some of the current and past events, think about the US government's stand against settlements in Israel... Will we encounter the hand of Yah? 

Monday, March 14, 2011

Dream ~ "Fallout"

On February 26th, Satch had dream about fallout. With the situation in Japan the dream makes some sense. To read the dream go to our YahBlog at

Blessings and Yah's protection,

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Picture of the Day ~ Confrontation

Moshe' on the left and Aviva on the right, head butting each other... Moshe' is our Romney Ram and Aviva is our youngest heifer. 

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Project of the day ... limes

Well, we were blessed with a case of limes... now what? 

We gathered up all the ice trays and started juicing.

 Then we put them in ice trays and froze them in cubes. After they were frozen (a cube is about the juice of 1 lime) we popped them out and put them in a zip lock freezer bag and put them in the freezer to use for our favorite Mexican recipes!

Now we get to do the lemons!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Project of the week... candles

I made candles using zinc core wicks and wax. Here is a pictorial journal of our project.

Melting wax in the wax pot.

The candle jars have been saved over the past year from Menorah candles that Publix used to sell. They no longer carry them but we have plenty. I have them warming on the warmer to take the unused wax out and melt for pouring new candles in the old jars.

Shelly is cutting wick. This is zinc core wick that burns a very long time.

I cut off pieces of the wax and put them in the pot. The shish-kabob skewers are used to hold the wicks when I pour the wax.
The wick is wrapped around the skewers and hung into the jar to the bottom. 
We did several of them.

The wax is then poured into the jars and left to sit and cool.

18 hours and still burning! Great Sabbath candle!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Pic of the Day ~ Sabbath Rest!

Excitement on Shekinah Farm!

There has been much activity on the farm. I will post a little each day so I can catch everyone up with the happenings. We have been getting our gardens ready with a little help from our friends! They come out to help and 'play' on the tractor! Here we are moving manure into the large garden.
loading compost and manure on the trailer

spreading it in the garden

Ricky riding the trailer back to refill... silly boy!

Shelly and Max working hard! (or is that hardly working)

While the kids are moving and tilling in the compost, Mom tries her hand at chopping wood!
We got the raised beds filled, a strawberry bed built and several items planted this past week!

View from my back door at the kitchen garden beds... 2 tier strawberry bed on the left and cabbage, broccoli and onions are in the farthest beds. 
I'll put up more pics as we add to the gardens and they grow!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Busy Times at the Farm

Well, I haven't had a minute to post. We have been getting the garden beds ready for planting. Tilling in the compost into the large garden and filling the raised beds with lots of manure! The seedlings are ready to put in and the potatoes will go in this week as well.

We will be setting in cabbage, broccoli, sweet peas, onions sets, potatoes and this year we bought 100 everbearing perennial strawberry plants that will go into a tiered bed we will build Thursday. I'll try to get pics for that while we build it.

We will be having my farmer friend Michael come to speak here in a couple weeks and anyone can visit him and ask questions about growing safe food. We really look forward to the visit.

We made candles (I'll post pics for that later) and froze lime juice (pics for that soon, too.) We haven't had any more babies, but we are expecting calves and lambs anytime.

The babies that were born early are doing well. Leah, the mama, rejected the second twin and we have been bottle feeding her. The kids have named them Ben and Batya. Ben means son and Batya means God's daughter.

We've been building fences and working with the horses. Shelly and I both took a spill off of Hicks a little over a week ago... we are still sore, but fine!

I'll try to get time to post the pics of the things I mentioned above and the garden beds and plants we are planting as soon as I get a minute!