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Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Busy Times at the Farm

Well, I haven't had a minute to post. We have been getting the garden beds ready for planting. Tilling in the compost into the large garden and filling the raised beds with lots of manure! The seedlings are ready to put in and the potatoes will go in this week as well.

We will be setting in cabbage, broccoli, sweet peas, onions sets, potatoes and this year we bought 100 everbearing perennial strawberry plants that will go into a tiered bed we will build Thursday. I'll try to get pics for that while we build it.

We will be having my farmer friend Michael come to speak here in a couple weeks and anyone can visit him and ask questions about growing safe food. We really look forward to the visit.

We made candles (I'll post pics for that later) and froze lime juice (pics for that soon, too.) We haven't had any more babies, but we are expecting calves and lambs anytime.

The babies that were born early are doing well. Leah, the mama, rejected the second twin and we have been bottle feeding her. The kids have named them Ben and Batya. Ben means son and Batya means God's daughter.

We've been building fences and working with the horses. Shelly and I both took a spill off of Hicks a little over a week ago... we are still sore, but fine!

I'll try to get time to post the pics of the things I mentioned above and the garden beds and plants we are planting as soon as I get a minute!

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