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Saturday, March 5, 2011

Excitement on Shekinah Farm!

There has been much activity on the farm. I will post a little each day so I can catch everyone up with the happenings. We have been getting our gardens ready with a little help from our friends! They come out to help and 'play' on the tractor! Here we are moving manure into the large garden.
loading compost and manure on the trailer

spreading it in the garden

Ricky riding the trailer back to refill... silly boy!

Shelly and Max working hard! (or is that hardly working)

While the kids are moving and tilling in the compost, Mom tries her hand at chopping wood!
We got the raised beds filled, a strawberry bed built and several items planted this past week!

View from my back door at the kitchen garden beds... 2 tier strawberry bed on the left and cabbage, broccoli and onions are in the farthest beds. 
I'll put up more pics as we add to the gardens and they grow!

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