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Monday, June 13, 2011

Get the Itchies Away!

There are many things that will help with bug bites and stings. Our first line of defense is to use a repellent, but sometimes that doesn't help. So if you get ant or mosquito bites this summer, here are a couple different items you might want to have on hand.

Activated Charcoal or Bentonite Clay can be made into a paste and put on the sting or bite to draw out the poison.
Plantain Leaf can be used to calm the itchies.
Honey for swelling, stinging and burning of skin.
Lavender stops itching and reduces swelling
Witch Hazel stops itching and reduces swelling
Jewelweed reduces itching (great for use on poison ivy/oak and it usually grows nearby)
Yellowdock leaf and baking soda

Just a few, share some of your own!

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