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Monday, July 27, 2009


While I was in Atlanta for the past 3 weeks helping out a friend, I found myself missing the farm. It wasn’t just because I was in a concrete jungle and the air was yuck . It wasn’t just because I had no fur babies to hang out with or that I had to eat unnatural foods at the cafeteria. It wasn’t just because there were too many cars and people… it was all this and more…
I missed the sights, sounds, and smells of the farm. Seeing the geese in the pasture, at the pond, the horses getting frisky in the field, the sound of the roosters in the early morning giving us the wake up call and the mama cows bawling when it is feeding time and we aren’t out there. I missed the buzzing of the bees when I check the hives, their wings keeping the hive temperature just right and the silly puppies pouncing about the back yard. I missed the smell of fresh mown lawn, dirt and even the manure. I missed the routine of the chores and spending time with Yahweh each morning thanking Him for all that he has put in my charge. But the thing I missed most was the musky, sweet smell of the horses.

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