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Monday, July 27, 2009

Farm Journal 7/27/09

This morning I woke up late and didn’t make it out to do chores ’til 7:15. It was overcast and about 78 degrees. All the puppies went with me to milk. I spent a few minutes convincing Notsumi (Ricky’s dog) that I was a friend – once she relaxed we all went out to the barn for some warm milk!As I was milking I noticed a hen with 5 chicks in the barn – no one had told me we had new chicks. Later, when I asked about the chicks, Dad (my dear husband) said there were 2 batches. I didn’t see the younger batch. The calf was working on tearing down the barn wall, while I worked the milking machine (which is in need of repair). We really need to get the barn fixed too – soon before it falls in on our heads. I was thinking about finding an ‘Old Timer’ that could tell us how to fix it and supervise while we do the work. Would be nice! We got 2/3 gal of milk from Shemayim. 31 is dried off for calving next month.
I gathered eggs and fed the hens. There were only 2 eggs in the nestboxes. I checked in the house to find 7 more on the floor. The hens don’t like to lay in an empty nest and it was definitely empty. I added straw to their boxes.
The water troughs were low so I filled them and moved the horses to the back yard to help with the unmown grass. They love to be in the back yard with the different weeds and things to get into! A mama and daddy Cardinal were helping themselves to the chicken feed while I waited for the troughs to fill.
I decided to pick some of the weeds that I couldn’t identify and take them to the extension office today while I was in town with Grandpa for a doctor’s appointment. I know there are many of them that are medicinal or edible. While I was searching for odd plants and weeds I headed out to the garden – not really sure what I would find (I’ve been in Atlanta for 3 weeks helping a friend). Well, the tomatoes that my dear husband said didn’t need to be propped yet (because they are still short due to planting late) were sprawled out on the ground heavy with tomatoes! I definitely need to get them up, but today was not to be the day. I found two overgrown spaghetti squash, 3 beautifully bright yellow summer squash, 1 crookneck squash, and Italian cucumber and a table cucumber to pick. The cabbage is heading nicely. I have several volunteer corn stalks near the chicken house.
I had to take Grandpa Buster to get some lab work, so I quickly poured the milk through the strainer into the bottle, got a quick shower, grabbed my basket of weeds, a couple mylar bags and O2 absorbers for a friend and headed out the door.
I arrived home, finally, just before 4 pm, exhausted from the running of the day. I hate going to town… by the time I get home I am through! My day was still ahead of me, the tomatoes needed to be propped, dinner made… I needed to be propped and someone else better make dinner! Dad arrived home and started dinner for me. My neighbor came by needing a ride to the ER. The tomatoes will have to wait ’til another day.

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