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Monday, July 22, 2013

So I have been participating in a spinning activity called Tour de Fleece that has been happening while the Tour de France is happening. We have the same break days and a challenge day. My goal was to spin every day. That may not seem much for most, but that is a lot for me with my busy schedule. So at the end of 3 weeks this is what I was able to accomplish~

This is quite an accomplishment for me. Now to make some mitts and scarves to sell at market!

Thursday, July 18, 2013

More Wedding Pictures...

Ok, so the best way to view these pics is to click on this first one and let it open in another window to see them up close and personal! Enjoy!
Christie, Yvonne, Donna
Ricky's Mom, Chrissy's Mom, Ricky's Grandma

Indian Creek Canal (Flows through Big Spring Park) they married at the spring head, beautiful!

Chrissy and her Dad, Bernard

Happy (and sad) parents watching the wedding

Blessing of the Couple and family

Upbeat music set the scene for a fun finish with the newlyweds dancing down the isle

April and Matt (remember 1 1/2 years ago this was you!) Shelly in the background

Crazy Best Man, Michael

Yvonne and Chrissy

Watch that Dip!

The Fathers: Richard "Satch" and Bernard

The Men L-R: Max, Matt, Ricky, Michael, Barry

Max is one of Chrissy's brothers

The Moms: Christie and Yvonne

"Let me introduce to you..."

The Girls (with Shelly getting heat stroke)

The Girls: L-R: Madison, April, Shatia, Helen, Catherine, April, Chrissy, Sierra, Shelly, Brook, Kennedy, Tate