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Shelly's Story

During the first Gulf War, my Dear Husband, Satch, was in Iraq. We had a 3 year old boy, Ricky, and I wanted another child (I really wanted LOTS of children, but DH wanted to adopt.)
I prayed that if we were to have another child, the Heavenly Father would change Satch’s heart on the matter. When he returned from Iraq, he decided we could have another child! I was so grateful to Yah for His move on Satch’s heart!
In June, the Ruach (Holy Spirit) told me we would have a girl child, and in September I conceived that child. In October, the adversary (hasatan) came against my body and I began to bleed. I knew what the Father had promised so I stood on that promise even when the doctor said that I would miscarry the baby. A week later the bleeding stopped and all was well.
In November the Ruach told me that there would be a problem at birth and that it would be an instrument to bring Satch to salvation. I shared this information with my friend and prayer partner, Felicia. The rest of the pregnancy went along fine until the end.
I was about a week late in the pregnancy and I was feeling very toxic. I went to the doctor and he said I needed to get rest, but if I didn’t start labor by Monday morning, to come in and they will induce labor (btw, I was going VBAC, with only a 50% chance of success.) Monday morning I went in and they began to induce labor to no avail. By Monday afternoon the nurse realized that they never actually started the pitosin in my IV! They told me to go home… I asked about just doing a C-Section and the Doctor said that the soonest they could get me in was Thursday. His other option was to stay the night and they would put effacing cream on and in the morning start the whole process again. I chose to stay.
I started labor with the effacing cream, my water broke and they put an internal monitor on the baby. All of a sudden the baby’s heart stopped. This happened about 6 times. They refused to call the doctor (I found out later they didn’t like him and they were waiting on the other doctor to come on-call.) By the time they finally called the other doctor, the baby’s distress was worse and they had to do an emergency C-section to save her life!
They found old meconium in both lungs and had to aspirate. This explained the toxic feeling I had prior to birth. Her lungs collapsed during aspiration and a chest tube was inserted. The nurses told me she had a ’spell’ (real medical terminology) of some kind. They weren’t sure what it was, and she was air evacuated to a hospital 100 miles away.
While at the hospital, my friends came to pray with me. It was the first time Satch stayed in a room when people were praying! For me this was a jewel that I saved in my heart and the beginning of a long road to his salvation.
Shelly came home from the hospital after only 5 days and we began to teach her to nurse. At 3 months we noticed that she was not having a grasping reflex in her right hand. After several months and many doctor visits and tests, it was finally determined that she had experienced a massive stroke in the left side of her brain. The stroke caused right side paralysis and developmental delay. We knew that a healing would come and we continued to pray for that healing.
At the age of 3 Shelly began to have seizures. This was not a surprise because of the amount of damage to the brain caused by the stroke. Her seizures have been medically controlled over the years with only minor increases and med changes as her body grew. She was seen by the same pediatric neurologist until she was 15 years old. Her neurologist moved and we found another.
When Shelly was 6 years old, through a series of events which involved her, Satch came to know the Father and Messiah on the living room floor. (But that story is for another day!)
For the past few years we have been praying that the Father bring her healing soon, before end times come and medicine becomes difficult to get. On December 12, 2008 she had a massive seizure that put her in the hospital. This was an unusual situation and needless to say we were quite concerned. Her regular neurologist could not see her and we had to find another neurologist. Well, the neurologist that had moved away was back and we were able to get in to see her. She had spent the past several years working with a team of neurologists that were doing brain surgery to stop seizures! (Yahweh is Good!)
She recommended that we go through several tests to determine if Shelly was a candidate for the surgery. My stomach felt like a rock and I wanted to yell, “NO!” and run out the door! (We don’t like doctors!)
I went home, praying all the way. My prayer was for my flesh to stay out of the way of G-d’s will and for Him to open the doors in the direction we were supposed to go and close the doors in the direction we were not supposed to go. This has remained our prayer for the past year.

Shelly has gone through many tests this past year and Yah has not only opened the doors, but has blown the doors off the hinges! Here is an update of one of her tests:

Well, we just finished our last physical test. It was a MEG, basically a magnetic EEG. They tested her to line up the brain function/seizure spikes with the MRI she had done in February. While we were there we also did some tests to determine if the brain has remapped itself to run the right side of the body. They were able to pinpoint where in the brain the right side is being controlled by. Well, Yah (God) is amazing how he built our body! Her right side is being controlled by the right side of the brain! (usually the left side runs the right side of the body, the left side of the body is controlled by the right side of the brain.) Since her stroke came on the left side of the brain, the right side of the body should not be functional, however it is. Well, the mapping showed us that the brain has remapped and the right side of the brain has taken over! What an awesome Yah we have!

(The lab tech even said that he doesn’t know how anyone can say there isn’t a God when he sees things like Shelly’s brain remapped!)

In September ‘09, her tests and history went to the review board to determine if she was an eligible candidate for the surgery. The short answer was yes! The long answer is that they believe that she could actually get off all medication in the future! (Most people with seizures that have this surgery are seizure free with medication.)
That brings us to the point of the surgery. January 22, 2010, Shelly will have the first of 2 surgeries. Updates will be posted on the blog as we can.
Keep praying Yah’s will!