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Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Final Update on Shelly

Whew! I’m exhausted… But we are home! Yay! My own bed felt so comfortable after sleeping in chairs, hospital rooms and hotel beds!
So,  Tuesday morning ICU has Shelly up in the chair at 4 am and by 7 we’re headin’ to the MRI and then to the regular room. The Docs came in and said everything looked great and asked Shelly if she wanted to go home today! (I’m a little stressed by now and wonder if we can’t wait til Wednesday?) But, alas, the docs had different ideas! Shelly walked around the ward a couple times and took a couple catnaps, ate breakfast and lunch and sat in her chair until the Surgeon came by to take the central line out. 

They finished getting everything done and by 5pm we were heading to the Ronald McDonald house to clean up and load up. We ate dinner there and started for home about 6:30. We had to get some prescriptions filled on the way home and by the time we got to Huntsville we ended up going to 3 pharmacies to get them. Then we headed home.

Shelly’s night went well, she was up early this morning and came in to bed with me for a catnap. She has been up today helping a bit and ate a good breakfast. She is resting now and the swelling has gone down to just minimal. She gets cold easy, probably due to no hair, and tires out quick, but that will get better in a few days. She will have her staples out a week from Thursday!

Our Thanksgiving and prayers go first to the Heavenly Father who has His hand in all we do and has made miracles as we walked this difficult path. And second to each of you who have walked with us, holding us up in prayer as we have made tough decisions and faced fearful situations. 

Special thanks and blessings to those of you who have helped us through with encouragement and physical and financial aid, we could not have done this without your obedience to the Father. Our sincerest gratitude for your obedience.

We pray now for each of you that Yahweh bless and keep you, Yahweh make his face shine upon you and be gracious unto you, and Yahweh turn His face toward you and give you Shalom. Amen.

Yahweh is amazing!

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