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Sunday, January 3, 2010

Farm Journal 1/03/10

It is a cold day with the temp this morning sitting at 16F ~ Brrrrrr!

We’ve been getting around 7-8 eggs daily (so glad the roosters are outa there!)

Shemayim’s dry-off is going well. She gets upset when we go out and she doesn’t get to eat as much, but she’ll be fine, just perturbed.

We lost our last bee hive this past week. :(  I went out to feed them before this recent freeze and they were dead. Apparently, the lid was askew and they froze (could’ve been dogs using the hive to hop the fence?). So now I will have to buy 4 splits to be where I am supposed to be this spring. 

Expensive honey!

Today we will castrate Spot-O-Beef! Oh Joy! Last night Satch watched Dirty Jobs and Mike Rowe was cutting lambs! He had pulled the ball sac with his teeth… yuck! I promised Satch I wouldn’t use my teeth! Bleh! I won’t be able to video tape the process because we are short handed for the work, but will give a blow by blow description when we are done!

We will pick up the stove pipe and chimney for the wood cook stove today… hope to get it in soon so we can have better heat in the house… currently we are using an LP ventless wall mount heater, sitting on bricks with canisters of propane attached to it. The propane isn’t piped into the house yet, hope to do that this spring. If we can get the wood stove in it is big enough to heat the great room, then we can use the propane at night for the bedrooms.

I started a Medical Missionary course last night. There are 2 10 day classes: the first started last night and continues nightly until the 12th. The second will be in February.  Last night I learned so much I was overwhelmed and so excited! I look forward to the rest of the classes and to be able to help people with disease! The outcomes are amazing.

Well, I’ll catch you up with the castrating later! Yew!

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