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Thursday, September 30, 2010

We're Up to our Elbows in Honey!

We’re up to our Elbows in Honey and Other News from the Farm!

Literally! We spent the afternoon filtering our honey! We ended up with two full 5 gallon buckets and a couple quarts. I promptly gave one quart to Yvonne, my honey helper (she loves to get her hands gooey,)  and the other to my mom who has been out of honey for weeks waiting for me to get our honey (she refused to buy it from the store.)

So the whole process went something like this…
I poured the honey (extremely) slowly through my large metal colander (I don’t like to heat it up in case I kill any of the good bacteria.) Once I got the large particles out, I poured it into a cheese cloth that was then squeezed by my friend Yvonne and Shelly (my daughter).  We squeezed it into clean 5 gallon buckets and popped the lids on. Done! Well, it took a bit longer than that… actually we started at 3:00 and finished about 6 so a total of 3 hours plus clean up.

Oh the clean up! Of course we cleaned periodically during the whole process, but afterward I washed the floor in my kitchen several times and still stick to it! I’m glad Donna and Danielle come in the morning. Donna and Danielle help me with the house work on preparation day, floors and bathrooms! What a blessing! I do Danielle’s hair every couple weeks and pay them a small amount to help. Yah is truly good!
Finally, Satch got a raise. Not as much as he did a couple years ago (I should tell you about how Yah blessed then), but enough to feel a little bit of a difference.  It will sure help with Ricky moving back home and Grandpa Norm’s hours getting cut to 2 days a week.

So let’s reminisce for a moment….
Two years ago, Abba started telling us to do specific things that cost big bucks. My dear husband, Satch, works as an office/logistics person (sets up classes, orders supplies, etc) and does not get top pay. So I just shook my head and said, “Abba, if you want us to do all this you will have to provide the funds. We can’t afford it.”  That was in September. Well, in October, Satch came home with his pay statement and it had a pay raise on it. He got a 25% per hour raise! How’s that for stepping up to the plate!  The Father is amazing!

Well, enough ramblings tonight. I’ll catch ya’ll up again soon. Tomorrow I make grape jam!


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