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Friday, October 1, 2010

Ponderings Over the Past Year

I just found out that we are getting a free horse on Tuesday! She is a 3 yr old, red TN Walker. She has been ridden, but not much and needs some work. Shelly was back and forth on weather she wanted another horse and she is a bit nervous about it. I think it will be good for her to get back to working with a horse again.

So, Yah is faithful to restore what is taken. This time of Sukkot is the time when the Torah scroll is rolled back to the beginning. A time when we look over the past year, remembering His blessings, and ponder what will come. As I look back over the year in this time of 'New Beginnings' I consider all that has happened.

Last year at this time we were standing at the river, looking at the giants in the land... making the decision to cross over or to let fear erase the blessings Yah had given in the wilderness. The choice? To have brain surgery.

As the year progressed, we were blessed with sheep and goats, had them attacked by dogs, had brain surgery, had baby sheep, lost our bull calf, had a new calf, new bee hives, nursed sick mama cows, lost one of our horses, and were abundantly blessed with gardens, lots of fresh fruit, children all summer, puppies and now to finish it off, a new horse... young enough to teach to pull and ride.

And the river we crossed, Shelly is seizure free and coming off her meds, out of Babylon! There were good times and bad, but how would we recognize the good without the bad? How would we see Yah's blessing without the need for one? As Tevia would say, "Somewhere in the good book it says, 'the Lord giveth and the  Lord taketh away.'" I don't believe that anything is ours, but all belongs to Yah, so he can take, give, and redistribute as he pleases! He is good!

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