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Sunday, October 3, 2010

Time to Make Socks!

We have just finished our Sukkot celebration, the weather is cooling off, and the days are getting shorter. What does that mean to me? Crackling fires (outside currently, but soon, in the wood cookstove in the kitchen!), soup and fresh, warm bread, family game nights, and evenings working on some sewing or knitting project.

So the project I will start tonight will be socks! I promised Shelly I would make her a pair of socks out of some specialty yarn we bought last year and I haven't had a chance to start them. Actually, I started a shawl for her during her surgery and put it on the shelf for the summer (I am too busy in summer with gardens and summer activities to knit). I pulled it out last week and got it finished on Friday.

 Isn't she gorgeous? Anyway, finished just in time for the cool weather! But, now our feet are cold! So I'll get started on her socks and do some spinning for myself. I am still learning to spin, so I will make some "designer" yarn for myself and make a scarf.

Her socks will be made with Opal Specialty Sock Yarn and I will try my hand at knitting two at a time, toe up, on two circular needles. The last two pairs I made were two at a time, cuff down, on 2 circulars. I will probably make a few pair for myself out of worsted wool for warm footies to wear around the house this winter.

I picked up several yards of different colored corduroy fabric for $1.99 at the fabric store so I will be making some jumpers and skirts for us for warm winter clothes. Yay, for fabric sales!  I am looking forward to winter projects.

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