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Saturday, October 16, 2010

Spider Beside Her

My husband came in the other day from doing chores and told me that a spider was outside the back door in the summer kitchen. I asked him what kind and he said that it was an Orb spider.  Orb spiders are beautiful yellow and black with very perfect webs. If you include the legs they are larger than a golf ball. They are fascinating spiders.

Well, I was heading out to the summer kitchen and as I approached the glass back door I looked for the spider, but did not see it. As I walked up to the door more closely ready to open it the spider fell from the roof in my face! I am not scared of these big, beautiful spiders, but this startled me and I yelped! My dear husband ran in to see what happened and once informed, replied by saying that he told me it was there! Yeah, well, I knew it was there, but that didn’t stop it from startling me! Can you imagine this falling in your face?

After going in and out of the door several times, the dear spider decided that building its home in the doorway would not be a good situation and moved on. I don’t know where he went, but I’m sure it will be a perfectly made web.

We do not celebrate Halloween, but we have great spiders and webs around the farm. Yah is amazing!

1 comment:

  1. Oh we had those at the Nance House! They are sooo beatiful! They would make their webs in the rungs of the deck
