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Saturday, December 31, 2011

Winter is here!

We had a wonderful Chanukkah here on Shekinah Farm! We hope your holidays were joyful.

Now we are planning and preparing for spring planting. We are planning for early planting this year and hope to use all raised beds for our two gardens.

January will bring tree pruning and soil prep. We plan to burn the sorghum field and potato and tomato beds, add a green house and plant seeds for seedlings.

We are also using the Moon phases and astrological signs for planting, weed control and harvesting this year. We hope it will help with the weeds and pests.

We are also looking forward to having some Wwoofers here as well to help with the farm. We love having wwoofers here, they give us such a wonderful insight to our farm and help so much! :)

Well, here we go again!

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Sorghum Harvest!

After Sukkot we harvested the sorghum. Here are the pics Grandma took while we cut and loaded the sorghum on the trailer!
Christie and Shelly in the field picking up the stalks after Satch cut them down

The trailer is 20 foot long.

Gathering sorghum stalks and putting them on the trailer

Minding their own business!

Satch picking up stalks

Sheep moseying over

Field is cleared and ready to let the animals finish it off before plowing

It's getting full!

Oh, oh, the sheep found the sorghum. Mmm Mmm Good!

I'm 5'1", the sorghum is taller than me and 20' long! Not bad for a half acre!

As we are putting it in the barn, the sheep have followed. Everyone loves sorghum!

Even the horse get's into the sorghum. Everyone will be happy this winter!

Monday, August 22, 2011

Esav gives Ja'akov a gift?!

This day is significant only because of the two sons' present before each other.

On 17 August, two students made inquiry about the strings attached to my clothes. Because we were at a convenience store, I try to give a quick account about Numbers 15:37-41 and about the woman with an issue of blood, who grabbed Messiah's garment and was healed. The next day before leaving for work, I gather my tallit to take with me, not realizing what was in-store for me. When I arrive at work, I put together some material for the students from the previous day. When the students arrive, I present them the material and show them my tallit and tell them some of what it represents.

Later during the day, we gather for a farewell luncheon. When we're about done eating, our Commandant makes a comment that today's visitor, his supervisor, was fasting during the day, (this would confirm his faith as Islam (Ramadan)). I've been wearing my tallit majority of the day. So, I say to my ABBA “that's a good one Daddy!” He has a gooood sense of humor...

After the luncheon, we proceed to commence with our award ceremony. All the persons that were to receive their awards were concluded, our guest presenter called me up to the stage (remember, I'm wearing a tallit still), I am the only non-military to approach the stage during all this time. I am now being presented with a coin of excellence from Esav to be given to Ja'akov. Remember the story of Yitzak's sons. At the reunification Ja'akov presents Esav with gifts. Now this day Esav presents Ja'akov with a gift. Our Daddy's good humor.... 

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Taking the Heat!

Hi friends,

The heat has hit Shekinah Farm hard! One of our horses, Hicks, collapsed and died the day before my birthday (not a happy gift) and Aviva (our youngest bred heifer) had a still birth. The calf was a bull and was half born when I went out to check on her. I pulled him the rest of the way out and gave Avi some food, water, probiotics and a vit. B complex shot. She was fine by the next morning. But the heat is bringing much concern and sad tidings here.

Our farm has a pond and a stand of trees at the back of the pasture that gives a cool area for the animals. Typically, the animals are in separate paddocks, but during the worst heat we open them up and let them all go to the back of the pasture to the pond and trees so they can stay cool and have plenty of water, and we watch them very closely for issues... unfortunately, this just was not enough for Hicks. In the morning he was doing fine, by mid day he was dead. This is a very difficult loss on our farm.

The heat has also taken it's toll on our milk and egg production. The chickens are stressed and are not laying as much as they should and the cows are slowing down milk production. It looks as if we may have to come up with some other options for keeping the animals cool during the unusual heat we are having.

If the heat continues like this through August and September, I'm not sure what we will do. The animals are already stressed and I'm afraid we may have more losses this year. Praying Yah's hand on Shekinah Farm!

Friday, July 15, 2011

Essential Oils!

Hi Ya'll,
Well, here we go again! We are gearing up for our Essential Oils order and I wanted to include some recipes and Ideas here for you to consider while you are ordering!

1/4 tsp Eucalyptus oil to 8 -10 oz water in a spray bottle is great for discouraging fleas on pup and kitty!
Lavender oil uncut, put immediately on a minor burn will reduce heat and stop burning.
Tea Tree oil is antifungal
Oregano oil is anti-viral and antibacterial... it is also safe both externally and internally

Many of you use Thieves Oil so here is a link to the research and recipe that I use

Here is another link with some wonderful advise for using Essential Oils... Lots of good information!

Share your recipes with us!
deodorizing, cleaning and sanitizing the home
health care
animal health
Tell us what you use!

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Difficult times on Shekinah Farm

We have had some difficult times lately... But we continue to work diligently to remember that Yah, the creator of all things has our best interest at heart and is guiding our path...

Some of you already know that Jaffa got sick with Ketosis. She had to be put down and her calves are being nursed by Shemayim. That brings our milk production down and puts extra stress on Shemayim. We are watching her closely.

31's calf is ready to wean and we are milking her twice a day and letting the calf strip her off after milking. Soon she will be ready to sell.

My mother had gall bladder surgery... she is recovering nicely.

Satch's Job is ending in September and he is looking for work. We are working on cutting our living costs more so that we can live on his military retirement in case we don't get work.

How we have prepared and cut costs:
  • Installed wood cook stove for heat and cooking during winter months
  • Paid ahead for 2 fills on our propane tank for next year
  • Cut down our phone bill
  • Cancelled tv (skyangel)
  • Cut down on the number of vehicles (lowers insurance and gas)
  • Practiced living without A/C (been doing that for the past couple years)
  • Growing feed for the animals in winter
  • Growing food for family
  • Making repairs to home and farm (fences, barn, houses, etc)
  • Purchasing items for future repairs and maintenance to have on hand
  • Training horse to pull plow
  • Increasing classes on the farm to bring in extra income
  • Shopping for cheaper insurance for car, home, etc
  • Plans to install wood cook stove on back porch for summer cooking
  • Plan to sell several animals in fall if Job doesn't come along
  • Plans to build an outdoor oven
  • Plans to sell stuff on E-bay/Craigs list
It is amazing where we can cut back and tighten the belt if we are willing! Yah will continue to bless in the midst if we continue to give him Honor and Glory!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Pic of the Day... Bread~

It's too hot to bake bread, but we are missing our warm fresh bread so I decided to post this pic in remembrance of home baked bread! :)

Monday, June 13, 2011

Get the Itchies Away!

There are many things that will help with bug bites and stings. Our first line of defense is to use a repellent, but sometimes that doesn't help. So if you get ant or mosquito bites this summer, here are a couple different items you might want to have on hand.

Activated Charcoal or Bentonite Clay can be made into a paste and put on the sting or bite to draw out the poison.
Plantain Leaf can be used to calm the itchies.
Honey for swelling, stinging and burning of skin.
Lavender stops itching and reduces swelling
Witch Hazel stops itching and reduces swelling
Jewelweed reduces itching (great for use on poison ivy/oak and it usually grows nearby)
Yellowdock leaf and baking soda

Just a few, share some of your own!

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Pic of the Day ~ Miss Wheelchair Alabama!

This is a good friend of ours and she came by to share her great news! She is now fundraising to compete in Grand Rapids, MI for Miss Wheelchair America. Isn't she beautiful! :)

Miss Wheelchair Alabama!

It's been a while, life has been busy...

Hi Everyone,
It has been awhile since I posted. Life has been very busy. I sewed costumes for a Renaissance Fair we attended. We have harvested broccoli, cabbage and strawberries. We have had a sick mama cow that we had to put down this past Friday. We have been trying to get the sorghum and corn planted (late this year) but waiting on some rain. We are in a drought. I'll post again with updates and pics on the topics above, but for now here are some harvest pics:

Broccoli ready for harvest

Beautiful harvest

Some bug damage, see the holes in the leaves

Memorial Day Renaissance Fair

So, as promised here are some pics from our Ren Fair excursion...
My brother, Kevin. I made the shirt, he made the kilt (we are descendants of the McCann's, McGaffin's, and McCrackin's)

April chose to dress cool! 

Shelly is wearing a chamise and skirt I made and a corset that belongs to April.

Chrissy is sporting a cute little outfit she put together from a shopping trip to local thrift stores.

Matt chose to combine modern attire with traditional  Medieval  (I made the shirt)

Dad and I in our costumes, mine is a traditional Irish dress and chamise. Dad combined modern trousers and a traditional shirt I made. Of course, he has his staff in hand!

Ricky is dressed as a Battle Mage. I made the shirt, he made the cape. Good job!
Yvonne is addressing the African renaissance!

Max (standing with Chrissy) decided to make his own renaissance and dress in clean clothes! :)

Barry (walking with Chrissy) has decided not to dress (party pooper)

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Thieves Oil Recipe, Research and Uses

The recipe:

Clove Oil (syzgium aromaticum) 200 drops or 1/2 ounce   2 0z
Lemon Oil (citrus limon) 175 drops    1,75 oz
Cinnamon Bark oil (cinnamoomum verum) 100 drops 1 oz (can use leaf oil as substitute)
Eucalyptus oil (eucalyptus radiata) 75 drops      .75 oz
Rosemary oil (rosimarinus officinalis) 50 drops     .5 oz

Mix this and store in a dark glass bottle. Put it in a spray bottle and mist the air in your home or car. You can also put it in a pan of water on the stove on low or in a vaporizor or diffuser. (More uses below research)

The Black Plague and the Story of Thieves

As the bubonic plague decimated Europe in the year 1413, four thieves were captured and charged with robbing the dead and dying victims. When the thieves were tried, the magistrate offered leniency if they would reveal how they resisted contracting the infection as they performed their gruesome acts. They explained that they were perfumers and spice traders and told of a special concoction of aromatic herbs, including cloves and rosemary, that they rubbed on their hands, ears, and temples.

Thus, the proprietary Thieves essential oil blend was created based on research of the concoction used by the thieves of the 15th century.

Thieves Oil Blend has been scientifically tested at Weber State University, Ogden, Utah, and found to have a 99.996% kill rate against all airborne bacteria.  With lots of winter bugs threatening, (and the possibility of bird flu) this is a great oil to use regularly.

November 2006: The University of Manchester published findings from their extensive research on essential oils versus the hospital super bug MRSA. In every case study it was found that Thieves ingredients 100% destroyed MRSA.

Harvard and John Hopkins Universites have done studies, the conclusions… 50% of buildings, old and new, have mold. Resulting in a 50-100% increase in respiratory problems.The Mayo Clinic says – 1 in 7 Americans suffers from acute fungal sinustis, resulting from exposure to mold.

Effect of a Diffused Essential Oil Blend on Bacterial Bioaerosols

Author: S. C. Chao, D. G. Young, and C. J. Oberg
Journal: Journal of Essential Oil Research 10, 517523 (Sept/Oct 1998)
Location: Weber State University, Ogden, UT

Abstract: A proprietary blend of oils containing cinnamon, rosemary, clove, eucalyptus, and lemon was tested for its antibacterial activity against airborne Micrococcus luteus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Staphylococcus aureus.

The bacteria cultures were sprayed in an enclosed area, and Thieves was diffused for a given amount of time. There was an 82% reduction in M. luteus bioaerosol, a 96% reduction in the P. aeruginosa bioaerosol, and a 44% reduction in the S. aureus bioaerosol following 10 minutes of exposure.

Conclusion: Diffusion of the oil blend, Thieves, can significantly reduce the number of aerosol-borne bacteria.

Eliminate Mold and Keep it from coming back with Thieves essential oil and Thieves Household Cleaner

Studies and Research

In 1997, studies conducted at Weber State University showed the Thieves essential oil blend to have a 99.96% success rate against airborne bacteria. The bacteria cultures were sprayed in an enclosed area, the Thieves oil blend was diffused for a given amount of time (this can be duplicated in the home using a cold-air diffuser).

Research conducted at Weber State University and Brigham Young University by D. Gary Young indicates that most viruses, fungi, and bacteria cannot live in the presence of most essential oils, especially those high in phenols, carvacrol, thymol, and terpenes.

Manage Bacteria, Mold & Viruses – The Battle Against Harmful Germs

The Thieves product line provides a full-spectrum force to fight enemy combatants on all fronts without harsh chemicals and medicines. Whether in the air, on surroundings, or inside or outside the body, Thieves products provide powerful antiseptic action with substances NOT toxic humans or the environment.

Many studies have shown that certain essential oils are often more effective against germs than harsh chemicals and drugs. This sample listing demonstrates how the use of Thieves products offer practical and flexible approaches to manage bacteria, fungi and viruses.

Essential Oil of Lemon

According to Jean Valnet, MD, the vaporized essence of lemon can kill meningococcus bacteria in 15 minutes, typhoid bacilli in one hour, Staphylococcus aureus in two hours, and Pneumococcus bacteria within three hours. Even a 0.2% solution of lemon oil can kill diphtheria bacteria in 20 minutes and inactivate tuberculosis. Essential Oils Desk Reference, 3rd Ed, p63

The proprietary therapeutic-grade essential oil blend in Thieves consists of: Cinnamon, Clove, Eucalyptus, Lemon and Rosemary.

Science on the effects of Therapeutic-grade Essential Oils in Thieves:


Effective Against: bacteria
Actinomyces viscosus

Compounds from Syzygium aromaticum inhibit growth of oral pathogens Streptococcus mutans, Actinomyces viscosus, P. gingivalis, and P. intermedia.


Effective Against:fungi

Aspergillus flavus
Aspergillus fumigatus
Aspergillus nidulans
Aspergillus niger
Aspergillus parasiticus

Vapors of cinnamon bark oil prove to be a potent fungitoxicant against fungi which cause respiratory tract mycoses: Aspergillus niger, Aspergillus fumigatus, Aspergillus nidulans, Aspergillus flavus, Candida albicans, Candida tropicalis, Candida pseudotropicalis, and Histoplasma capsulatum.

Cinnamon bark oil, a potent fungitoxicant against fungi causing respiratory tract mycoses.
Singh HB, Srivastava M, Singh AB, Srivastava AK.
Centre for Biochemical Technology, Delhi, India.

Abstract Summary:
1: Allergy. 1995 Dec;50(12):995-9.

Cinnamic aldehyde has been identified as the active fungitoxic constituent of cinnamon (Cinnamomum zeylanicum) bark oil. The fungitoxic properties of the vapours of the oil/active constituent against fungi involved in respiratory tract mycoses, i.e., Aspergillus niger, A. fumigatus, A. nidulans A. flavus, Candida albicans, C. tropicalis, C. pseudotropicalis, and Histoplasma capsulatum, were determined in vitro as minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC), minimum lethal concentration (MLC), inoculum density sustained, and exposure duration for fungicidal action at MIC and higher doses, as well as effect of incubation temperatures on fungitoxicity. It is concluded that these inhalable vapours appear to approach the ideal chemotherapy for respiratory tract mycoses. Publication Types: Comparative Study PMID: 8834832 [ - indexed for MEDLINE]

Cinnamon oil caused inhibition of growth and aflatoxin production in Aspergillus parasiticus.
Abstract Summary:
1: J Environ Pathol Toxicol Oncol. 1994;13(1):67–72
Inhibition of growth and aflatoxin production in Aspergillus parasiticus by essential oils of selected plant materials.
Tantaoui-Elaraki A, Beraoud L. Department of Food Microbiology and Biotechnology, Hassan II Institute for Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine, Rabat-Instituts, Morocco.

We studied the effect of 13 chemically different essential oils (EO) on the mycelial growth of and aflatoxin synthesis by Aspergillus parasiticus. Cinnamon, thyme, oregano, and cumin EO were able to stop mycelial growth at only 0.1% in the medium, while curcumin, ginger, lemon, and orange EO were unable to inhibit totally the growth even at 1% concentration. Coriander, black pepper, mugwort, bay, and rosemary EO caused the growth to stop at concentrations between 0.2 and 1%. The EO most active upon mycelial growth were also the most active against aflatoxinogenesis. However, aflatoxin synthesis was inhibited by all the EO at higher extent than the mycelial growth. Publication Types: Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov’t PMID: 7823297 [ - indexed for MEDLINE]

Cinnamon essential oil caused inhibition of growth and aflatoxin production in Aspergillus parasiticus.

Candida albicans
Candida tropicalis
Candida kefyr

Vapors of cinnamon bark essential oil prove to be a potent fungitoxicant against fungi which cause respiratory tract mycoses: Aspergillus niger, Aspergillus fumigatus, Aspergillus nidulans, Aspergillus flavus, Candida albicans, Candida tropicalis, Candida pseudotropicalis (Candida kefyr), and Histoplasma capsulatum.

Abstract Summary:
Allergy. 1995 Dec;50(12):995-9. Related Articles, Links
Cinnamon bark oil, a potent fungitoxicant against fungi causing respiratory tract mycoses. Singh HB, Srivastava M, Singh AB, Srivastava AK. Centre for Biochemical Technology, Delhi, India.

Cinnamic aldehyde has been identified as the active fungitoxic constituent of cinnamon (Cinnamomum zeylanicum) bark oil. The fungitoxic properties of the vapours of the oil/active constituent against fungi involved in respiratory tract mycoses, i.e., Aspergillus niger, A. fumigatus, A. nidulans A. flavus, Candida albicans, C. tropicalis, C. pseudotropicalis, and Histoplasma capsulatum, were determined in vitro as minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC), minimum lethal concentration (MLC), inoculum density sustained, and exposure duration for fungicidal action at MIC and higher doses, as well as effect of incubation temperatures on fungitoxicity. It is concluded that these inhalable vapours appear to approach the ideal chemotherapy for respiratory tract mycoses.


following are some of the uses & proportions to give you an idea:


One capful = 1/2 TBSP Thieves Household Cleaner costs 37 cents per capful wholesale. Thieves Booklet

1 capful Thieves Cleaner
3 3/4 cups water

1 capful Thieves Cleaner
2 cups water

1 capful Thieves Cleaner
1 cups water

1/2 cup Thieves Household Cleaner
1/2 cup water

1 capful Thieves Cleaner
6+ cups water

1 capful Thieves Cleaner
2 cups water

1 capful Thieves Cleaner in dishwasher soap dispenser

1/2 capful Thieves Cleaner
3+ cups water

1-2 capfuls per load- no need to use detergent, bleach or fabric softener

1 capful Thieves Cleaner
6 1/4 cups water

1 capful Thieves Cleaner
5 quarts water

1/2 cup grain alcohol (vodka)
10 drops 4 thieves oils
1/2 cup water
1 teaspoon glycerin
paper towels

take folds of soft paper towels & lay side by side in a shallow dish. combine all wet ingredients in a glass bowl mix well. pour mixture over paper towels and press to saturate. stack the wet paper towels in a clean airtight container and cover. repeat with more towels until the liquid is all used up. any extra liquid can be kept in a jar with a tight fitting lid.

to use, put some moist towelettes into a ziplox baggie and put in your purse, car, or anywhere you'd like to have ....the power of SUPER-WET-ONES!!

Internal use tips (Make sure that you use food grade or organic oils for internal use)
Try these simple suggestions to incorporate Thieves in the body for extra protection.
+ Add 2–3 drops of Thieves into a capsule and take daily.
+ Add 1–2 drops into a spoonful of Agave.
+ Put 1–2 drops onto a piece of bread.
+ Add 1–2 drops to a glass of rice or almond milk.
+ Drop 1–2 drops directly onto your tongue.

Special Antibiotic Formula: In a OO capsule combine 10-12 drops of Thieves Essential Oil Blend with 6-8 drops of Oregano, and 2 drops of Frankincense.

Thieves Household Cleaner Proportion Guide

One capful of Thieves Cleaner = 1 tsp. Best if used with purified water (do not use water that contains chlorine).

A. All purpose Thieves Cleaner in a spray bottle: 1 capful Thieves Cleaner to 1 qt water

B. Light Degreasing: 1 capful Thieves Cleaner to 3 cups of water

C. Medium Degreasing: 1 capful Thieves Cleaner to 2 cups water

D. Heavy Degreasing: 1 capful Thieves Cleaner to 1 cup water

E. Window and glass cleaner: 1 capful Thieves Cleaner to 5 quarts water or 1/4 teaspoon to a quart of water for spray bottles

F. Hand cleaner: capful Thieves Cleaner to 1/2 cup water

G. Dishwasher: 1 capful Thieves Cleaner

H. Pot and Pans: 1 capful of Thieves Cleaner to 3 cups water

I. Floors: 1 capful Thieves Cleaner to 6 cups water

J. Walls: 1 capful Thieves Cleaner to a little less than 2 cups water

K. Fabrics: 1 capful Thieves Cleaner to 2 cups water

L. Laundry: Depending on size of washer, use 1 to 2 capfuls of Thieves Cleaner

M. Carpet: 1 capful Thieves Cleaner to 6 + cups water

101 uses

1. Dilute with V-6 Enhanced Vegetable Oil Complex and apply to cuts or open wounds to prevent infection and promote healing.

2. Mix with a tablespoon of water, gargle and swallow for a sore throat.

3. Apply undiluted directly to the skin of your upper chest and throat for bronchitis.

4. Place a drop on your thumb and apply to the roof of your mouth for a headache.

5. Put 10-12 drops in a size OO capsule undiluted and swallow daily for longevity.

6. For acne, take internally and apply to the skin diluted with Young Living’s V-6 carrier oil.

7. Put directly on the soles of your feet to protect you from colds and flu.

8. Breathe in the vapors when you have lung congestion.

9. Use to clean pet cages, creating a healthier environment for them.

10. Add to your dishwasher for cleaner dishes.

11. Add to your laundry cycle for cleaner clothes.

12. Add to your mop water for cleaner floors.

13. Mix with water to make a spray to repel insects on your flowers and plants.

14. Use to dissolve the gummy adhesive on price labels.

15. Apply to bee and wasp stings to neutralize the toxin and relieve the pain.

16. Apply to gums to prevent and treat gum disease.

17. Apply orally to maintain healthy teeth and reduce cavities.

18. Apply to gums and teeth for pain relief from toothaches.

19. Diffuse in homes or business to solve mold problems.

20. Add to orange juice and drink to reduce phlegm and congestion.

21. Apply to broken bones or joints for pain relief and to hasten healing.

22. Put a drop in your cup of tea for flavor and to maintain health.

23. Put on the tip of your tongue to help you stop smoking.

24. Put on cold sores and canker sores to make them disappear.

25. For warts, apply topically, inhale and ingest in capsules to make them disappear.

26. Rub on sore joints to relieve arthritis pain.

27. Drink a few drops in water or juice every three hours to stop a cold.

28. Place a drop on the tongue and a drop in a glass of water every day for herpes.

29. Rub on the bottoms of children’s feet for protection before school every day.

30. Diffuse in the house as your children come home from school every day to kill airborne bacteria.

31. Mix 50:50 with V6 vegetable oil and rub on daily for relief of shingles.

32. Apply a drop on wound of a cat or dog to enhance healing.

33. Diffuse in the home or office to stimulate a cheerful mood.

34. Diffuse in the office to increase concentration and work efficiency.

35. Diffuse in your place of business to ward off germs.

36. Diffuse in the classroom to reduce student sickness and absenteeism.

37. Put a few drops in your carpet steamer/cleaner to disinfect carpet.

38. Mix a few drops with honey or agave in a teaspoon for cough relief.

39. Breathe and apply for sinus headaches.

40. Put a drop on a pimple to make it shrink and disappear.

41. For laryngitis put a drop under your tongue to restore your voice.

42. Inhale for relief of allergy symptoms.

43. Take a capsule full every day for relief of Lyme disease symptoms.

44. Carry a bottle on every flight to protect you from germs on the plane.

45. Drop in the heat/AC vents of a hotel to rid it of airborne germs.

46. Mix with baking soda to clean bathtubs.

47. Apply undiluted to the toes and feet to combat fungus.

48. Apply to poison ivy rashes (may need to be diluted with vegetable oil) to relieve the itch.

49. Drop Thieves Oil Blend on a cloth to remove permanent marker stains.

50. Sanitize pierced earrings by cleaning with Thieves Oil Blend.

51. Rub on the big toe before retiring to help with proper vision.

52. Applying Thieves Oil Blend, diluted 1 drop oil to 5 drops V-6 Mixing Oil, may be helpful in soothing pinkeye

and other eye inflammations. (Do not get in the eye.)

53. Apply 1 drop of Thieves Oil Blend onto toothbrush to sanitize.

54. Use for bathrooms and toilets to sanitize and freshen.

55. Use to cut grease on kitchen counters and stovetops.

56. Use to mop floors to clean and disinfect.

57. Apply to hands to remove stubborn, sticky substances like tree sap.

58. Use to wash fruits and vegetables from the supermarket.

59. Add to the water in your vacuum cleaner/steamer to cleanse the air and disinfect the carpet.

60. Spray along ant trails in the house to keep them out.

61. Use to wipe chairs and furniture in school classrooms to cut down on student sickness.

62. Scrub old floors to remove old varnish and prepare for refinishing.

63. Clean upholstery.

64. Clean the upholstery and dashboard of your car.

65. Soak off burnt food in pots and skillets.

66. Wipe or soak garbage cans to get them clean, sanitary and smelling fresh.

67. For tough stains, pour it on as a pre-wash stain remover.

68. Use undiluted to clean and kill mold on walls and floors or degrease oven.


Diffuse the Thieves Oil Blend continuously for 24 hours in the room

containing mold. Determining the length of diffusion time is directly

related to the severity of mold. Clean visible mold with Thieves Household Cleaner.


a) Diffuse Thieves essential oil

b) Eliminate leaks and moisture.

c) Clean thoroughly using Thieves Household Cleaner


69. Take with the first sniffle and signs of a cold or sore throat to ward it off.

70. Take prior to singing performances to keep the voice strong and to hit the high notes.

71. Use to hasten the healing when a cold or flu has been contracted.

72. Suck on one as you enter an airplane to protect you from germs onboard.


73. Rinse daily for clean breath and to keep teeth and gums healthy.

74. Gargle (and swallow) before a singing engagement to clear mucus.

74-a. Put 1/2 to 1 teaspoon in water pic.


75. Use as a healthy alternative to soap and water to sanitize hands.

76. Rub on hands to make them soft, fresh and smooth.

77. Apply to face to clear acne.


78. Rub on stains as a pre-wash stain remover.

79. Use as a deodorant or antibacterial hand soap.


80. Spray on doorknobs in public restrooms to kill germs.

81. Spray in the throat to restore a lost voice.

82. Spray hands before and after shaking hands with a lot of people.

83. Spray in restrooms on airplanes to reduce airborne bacteria.

84. Spray on vegetables and fruits when washing them.

85. Carry for protection in countries with cholera, malaria or dysentery.

86. Use as an air freshener for cooking odors or other unwanted smells.

87. Take to the gym and spray all the equipment you use.

88. Take to the supermarket and use to disinfect shopping cart handles.

89. Use in the classroom for desks, tables and other items handled by children.

90. Spray in your mouth and throat at first onset of cold or bronchitis.

91. Spray on shower stalls and bathroom walls to kill and remove mold.


92. Brush every day to prevent cavities and gum disease.

93. Use when teeth have been damaged or broken to help them heal.

94. Use to prevent or heal gum disease.

95. Apply as an underarm deodorant.


96. Wipe doorknobs and other things touched by the public.

97. Wipe dirty piano keys to clean and disinfect.

98. Use to clean children’s hands when traveling.

99. Use on the steering wheel and gearshift of your vehicle.

100. Use on public telephones to remove germs.

101. Use on public computer keyboards and mice.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Pic of the Day ~ Kitten

This is a kitten that was sickly on the back porch, we brought her in and have been treating her. Here she sits on a 5 gallon bucket of honey waiting to be put in containers. She is doing much better and will soon be outside again with her friends helping to keep the mouse population under control!

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Pic of the Day ~ Burnt Bread

Hello Everyone,
Well, I'm trying to get caught up with everything since the tornadoes. I wanted to show you a pick of my first loaves of bread baked in my wood stove while the utilities were out... they were delicious but the tops were a little over-done. They raised well and were cooked through (my personal concern was a doughy middle.)

Next time I will cook them longer at a lower heat. They tasted wonderful!

Just a little burnt on the top, but OOOOH Soooo Good!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

New Babes! Jaffa had twins

Wed after the utilities came back on, Jaffa didn't come up to the barn for breakfast. I knew something was up and so I finished milking and chores and went out to check on her. Sure enough, she was having her baby. One of the kids (not really kids, adults) came out to see if I needed anything and I had her get my camera. By the time I got the camera she had already delivered one baby (bull calf) and I was waiting for the afterbirth and all of a sudden with another contraction came two little feet! Twins are not common with cows, but not totally unusual either. When twins are born the same sex they grow to be healthy, normal cows and bulls. However, when a set of twins are born that are different genders (as with our twins, one girl, one boy) there is a good chance that they will be sterile due to a crossing over of hormones during the pregnancy. Sterile twins calves/cows are called Free Martins. There is a test to determine if they are sterile, but we will consider them Free Martins and either sell them or grow them for meat. If we have them butchered in a year it will give us 600-800 pounds of meat for canning and the freezer. This might sound like a lot of meat, but we are feeding 8-10 adults and this will probably last us a year if we spread it out and are frugal (we don't eat meat everyday.)

Here you can see a clear sac and little hooves coming and the bull calf by Jaffa's head

The front hooves and nose come first. Here her head is out (hardest part!)

It's a girl! She instinctively heads for Mama's head
Mama begins cleaning

While Mama cleans her babies the afterbirth comes (she will have two of these because of the twins)

Close up

Good job Mama! It was cool out and the babies are wet, so we took them to the barn to dry off.

A couple days later in the barnyard (there is a calf resting on both sides of  Jaffa)

This is the heifer calf, she is spotted like her mama

This is the little bull calf, he will be steered in a few weeks

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Pic of the Day ~ Callaloo

Known as Callaloo in the Carribian, Amaranth is a little used plant in the US.

It grows as a 'weed' here in our back yard and is a wonderful source of vitamins and nutrition. Both the leaves and the seeds can be used for food.
We have two types of Amaranth growing, the one pictured above and another called Spiny Amaranth which is also useful for food but has paired spines on its stems (ouch!)

Utility Bill Update

Hi everyone, I called the utility company. I was 66 in the cue. When I reached the top and a person answered I encouraged the lady on the phone by explaining that I know that they are inundated with calls and that I won't take up too much time. I explained the situation and asked if she could update my bill with the readings I took on  Saturday. She agreed to do so and our new bill will be coming this week.

Watch your bills and be very patient if you must sit on the phone listening to canned music and recorded messages. Yah will bless if we act kindly to others in the midst of stress.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Tornadoes and Life

A couple of weeks ago we had a swarm of tornadoes fly through Alabama. Many of my friends have lost their homes, but have lived to tell about it. We know they are blessed beyond measure, that their lives were protected, and that Yah will show Himself great and able to bring glory and more miracles in the midst of the devastation. Our prayers continue, as does our help to those in this time of need.

Life Continues
Life continues... babies are born, people are returning to work, the grass still grows. I remember driving to my daughter's home and seeing many people without power mowing their lawns.

Life continues... houses are gone, businesses destroyed, life is not the same, but goes on. My son works at Tractor Supply, he worked every day without missing a day, helping those in need of generators, propane, lights, batteries.

Life continues... no power, no hot water, no gas, no home, but life marches forward. The mail was still delivered every day, bringing letters, advertisements, and bills.

Life continues... the animals still need feeding, cows still need milking, gardens still need weeding. After the power came back on, Jaffa had twins!

Life continues...

Yahovah is Good!

Saturday, May 7, 2011

18000 Gallons of Water!!!!

I received the utility bill today… our utility company has found a glitch in their computer program that determines our payment… they have decided that we (the costomers) have not paid enough for our utilities! Well, in the process of revamping their billing system, cost system (to regain the funds not collected over the past several years), and price increases for all of their costomers, tornadoes hit the Valley. We were out of power for 7 days. During that 7 days the meter for our electric and water bills were supposed to be read. The company sent readers to read the meters once the utilities were back on, estimated the usage, and send the bills out.

Today our bill arrived with a $62 water charge and a $450 electric charge. I was flabbergasted with the cost and began looking at the bill.

Water usage: 18000 gals What???!!!! Do we have a leak? We ran out to walk the property and water lines, turned off water to the barn and hydrant (we had a leak there last year), and then went to the meter to see if it was running. Nope! No leaks.

We went back to get the bill and compare the meter to the bill reading. The bill says 18000 gals, our meter says 8000 gals. Hmmm, something is definitely wrong.  We are 8 days past the read/bill date and our reading includes water used for the past 8 days (not included on the bill.)

We decided to check the electric meter to compare those readings…

Electric usage: 4741 kwh Ok, so on hot days when I just absolutely have to have the AC running (not often) my usage may be that high. But what does my meter say? (Remember we are 8 days into the new billing cycle.) Using their previous reading and subtracting today’s reading I have used 3491 kwh. 

OK, so I could give them a little leaway on the electric… but the water is rediculous! I don’t own a swimming pool. I save rain water for my gardens and animals, as well as a spring fed pond for the animals. There is no way I could use 18000 gals of water!

I will be contacting the  utility company Monday to discuss this situation.  And I refuse to pay for an additional 10,000 gals of water I have not used! (I'll let you know how it goes.)

My suggestion, make sure you check your bill and compare the meter numbers when you receive your bill. I am not saying this was done intentionally, but… learn to read your meters!

(Now, I reeeally want to get off the grid!) 

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Friday, April 29, 2011

4 Thieves Vinegar

Here is a recipe for a type of thieves vinegar, rather than oil. It can be used as an insect repellent (lots of mosquitoes and ticks out there right now). This is great to have on hand and is made with fresh or dried herbs. Here is the recipe:

4 Thieves Vinegar
  • 2 quarts - apple cider vinegar
  • 2 tablespoons - lavender
  • 2 tablespoons - rosemary
  • 2 tablespoons - sage
  • 2 tablespoons - wormwood
  • 2 tablespoons - rue
  • 2 tablespoons - mint
  • 2 tablespoons - fresh, chopped garlic
Combine dried herbs (except garlic) and vinegar in a one-gallon jar with lid, and soak in the sun for 2 weeks, shaking often. Then strain out the used herbs, and retain the herbal liquid mixture. Add several cloves of crushed garlic, and close lid. Let soak for three days, and strain out the garlic fiber and discard. This liquid tincture needs to be stored in a cool place, like the refrigerator, or it can be preserved by canning. Fill canning jar with boiling liquid tincture to within one-half inch of top. Cap with rubber seal canning lid, tighten ring, and turn hot jar upside down; leave it undisturbed until it cools to room temperature. This will cause the jar to seal. Don’t forget to date and label it.

Pic of the Day ~ Spring Blooms

The Azalea in front of the house is in full bloom!

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Pic of the Day ~ Strawberries!

Although our plants are small, we are getting a couple strawberries daily. I suppose I should be putting them in the freezer as they ripen, but instead I give them to someone to eat... yesterday's batch of 4 strawberries went to G-ma Donna.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Pic of the Day ~ Naked Sheep in the Yard

Last Friday we had the sheerer out to sheer the sheep... now they are all naked! I bet they are enjoying being cooler now that it is getting hot!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Pic of the Day ~ Broody Hen

Here is our broody hen, she is sitting on 12 fertile Americana eggs... blue, green and pink! She's being such a good mama, won't let me in to take pics! :)

Monday, April 25, 2011

Pic of the Day ~ Cabbage, Broccoli and Onions

The cabbage is starting to head. The onions have done well to keep the bugs away... still a few 'chew' holes but not like last year!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Yah Provides an Incubator!

Through a series of events only the Creator of the Universe could have orchestrated, we are getting an incubator to hatch eggs with! Here is the encouraging story of how the Father puts things into motion and we have no clue until the end result!

Several weeks ago while perusing Craig's List, I found someone hatching Americana eggs and offering them for sale when they hatched. I sent an email saying that I would like 25 of them and she said when they hatched (it takes 21 days) she would email or call and let me know.

A little over 2 weeks later, she emailed and said that there had been an accident and all the chicks were dead! I was so sad. I asked if she had other eggs that I could put under my broody hen to hatch and she did. She also said that she thought she would just get rid of the incubator. I ask her price, but she was hesitant.

The next week I met with her to get a dozen Americana eggs and asked her again about the incubator. Again she hesitated but said that it would probably be about $100 because it had a fan, turning trays and extra trays for smaller eggs.

The next day I was visiting a friend and she said she had a gift for me. (I had not told her about the incubator.) She handed me some money and I didn't count it, just asked why and finally stuck it in my pocket with grace (and much thanksgiving.) Later, during our visit, I told her about the incubator. She was excited for me, and being in the chicken business herself, told me I should get it if she decided to sell. I just said it would have to be a Yah thing and we dropped the topic.

Upon arriving home that afternoon, I got an email from the lady with the incubator telling me all about it, brand name, all the extras, etc. I researched and found that it is worth about $130-160. I emailed back and said I would take it. I remembered the money in my pocket and still hadn't counted it. I pulled it out and counted $100!

It is amazing what Yah can do when you just follow His lead... He guides our steps and brings blessings all along the way!

Pic of the Day ~ Chicks!

Six Americana Chicks in the 'brooder'