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Sunday, April 24, 2011

Yah Provides an Incubator!

Through a series of events only the Creator of the Universe could have orchestrated, we are getting an incubator to hatch eggs with! Here is the encouraging story of how the Father puts things into motion and we have no clue until the end result!

Several weeks ago while perusing Craig's List, I found someone hatching Americana eggs and offering them for sale when they hatched. I sent an email saying that I would like 25 of them and she said when they hatched (it takes 21 days) she would email or call and let me know.

A little over 2 weeks later, she emailed and said that there had been an accident and all the chicks were dead! I was so sad. I asked if she had other eggs that I could put under my broody hen to hatch and she did. She also said that she thought she would just get rid of the incubator. I ask her price, but she was hesitant.

The next week I met with her to get a dozen Americana eggs and asked her again about the incubator. Again she hesitated but said that it would probably be about $100 because it had a fan, turning trays and extra trays for smaller eggs.

The next day I was visiting a friend and she said she had a gift for me. (I had not told her about the incubator.) She handed me some money and I didn't count it, just asked why and finally stuck it in my pocket with grace (and much thanksgiving.) Later, during our visit, I told her about the incubator. She was excited for me, and being in the chicken business herself, told me I should get it if she decided to sell. I just said it would have to be a Yah thing and we dropped the topic.

Upon arriving home that afternoon, I got an email from the lady with the incubator telling me all about it, brand name, all the extras, etc. I researched and found that it is worth about $130-160. I emailed back and said I would take it. I remembered the money in my pocket and still hadn't counted it. I pulled it out and counted $100!

It is amazing what Yah can do when you just follow His lead... He guides our steps and brings blessings all along the way!

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