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Saturday, April 23, 2011

Things going on at Shekinah Farm

Well, as you can see I didn't get anything posted this past week. It has been one busy week!

Some interesting things that have happened...

After spending the day at the hospital with my Father on Sunday, I docked the sheep tails (as posted earlier),  sprayed neem oil on my garden, and began preparing for Passover.

Monday held another busy day in which I split one of my bee hives, had the farrier here and at took her to a friend's home to trim more hooves, ran to the grocery store and got home in time to cook for Passover.

Passover Day we were supposed to go to a friends but my father was still not well, so we stayed home and had Passover meal with family here.

Wednesday I picked up 7 new little Americana pullets and 12 fertile Americana eggs to put under my broody hen in the nest box. The pullets are doing well and the broody hen is still sitting! Looking forward to new chicks! The rest of my day was taking Shelly to therapy and running errands in town.

Thursday, Shelly and I drove 5 hours round trip to pick up our co-op order and spent a wonderful time at a friend's home on our way back. She makes the best lemonade and is a wonderful hostess!

Friday was spent with people coming by to pick up co-op orders, getting ready for Sabbath and fielding many phone calls.

I will get pics today as I visit around the farm on my walk and post them this week... the azalias are in bloom and look beautiful!

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