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Monday, April 4, 2011

The computer is dead! Long live the computer!

Well, I know I can live without my electronics, if necessary. But until I have to, I would prefer life with the computer as long as I can! I miss everyone! So here is the story:

About 6 months ago my computer started acting odd (screen issues). I took it to the store and they said to call HP to get it fixed under warranty. I called and they walked me through a series of steps to demagnetize my computer. Of course, that didn't work, but the problem was still intermittent and so I waited till it got worse.

Well, last week it was to the point I almost couldn't use it. So I took it to the store. They agreed it was a hardware issue and told me to call the extended warranty people.

Upon calling the extended warranty people I learned that the warranty that I paid for when I bought the computer was the wrong warranty and my computer was not covered! I called the store and they told me they would have to 'get back to me'. This was not sounding good at all, but I patiently waited. Finally, they called and said they will replace my computer and the warranty in exchange for the old computer.

I took my computer to the store and they told me that it will cost me about $100.00 for the upgrade to the new computer, the extended warranty, the software clean-up, and moving my stuff from the old computer to the new one. I agreed. When we got to the register and rung it up it ended up being $33. and I got a $50 mail in rebate! So, when all is said and done, I get a new computer, all my (well most) stuff moved to it and $17 in my pocket! I will get my new computer today or tomorrow.

And all I can say is, "I serve an awesome Creator!"

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