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Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Co-op Order, Buckets, eggs and milk

We will have a co-op order to send in Nov 2nd. Please get your order to me before then.
Also, if you ordered buckets, please come get them (they are bulky and I don’t have much room.)
Eggs are low, so we cannot sell eggs right now.
Milk production is up please take advantage of our increase milk supply to make cheese and butter for your pets for leaner times.
Talk to everyone soon!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

New Animals

Well, it’s been a bit since I last posted… so here goes all the stuff that’s going on!

We have 3 angora goat does and 4 new sheep…  2 cotswold, a romney ram and another, not sure the breed. I’ll try to get pics up here as soon as I can. I also got a spinning wheel… so ya’ll know what I’ll be doing this winter! I’m so excited!

The bees are wintering through well so far.

We need to get hay, but everyone is doing pretty good.

Eggs are still in low supply… in fact we are getting about 2 eggs a day, barely enough for us!

Milk is coming in at about 2 1/2 - 3 gals daily, still sharing with the baby.
I’ll be making cheese soon, need a few more supplies, then I’ll be in the cheese! I want to try a few different cheeses I haven’t done before.
Well, I guess that’s about it. Hope you enjoyed the short update!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Bountiful Harvest

Today was a busy day… even tho our harvest was week, we did get a gallon of huckleberries. Someone gave us a bag of green tomatoes and a sunflower that has been drying for a while. I bought 2 nice pumpkins from the apple farm. So I needed to get some stuff done!

Shelly and I cleaned and froze the berries for another day (they don’t have much flavor, but they have nutrients).

We cut the pumpkins in half and cleaned them, saving the seeds for roasting and planting next year. In the oven to cook for such goodies as pumpkin bread and pie! I cleaned the seeds and have them soaking in salt water til tomorrow when we will roast them. Shelly took the sunflower seeds off the head and put them in a zip lock bag. We need to salt them and roast them as well but we will save that for another day.

Plan for tomorrow is to make butter and cheese, bread and spaghetti for Sabbath. Yum!

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Bucket order is in

just got buckets in. If you ordered buckets or need some, give me a call or come by to pick them up. I also have some mylar bags, O2 absorbers and water filters left.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Water and Milk Kefir

I have water and milk kefir grains available if any of you have an interest. Please contact me and I can get some to you. I will have to charge to send through the mail, but it is minimal.

If you are not aware of kefir please check out the healthy living area of the website.