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Thursday, December 23, 2010

Food Safety Act has passed the Senate and House...

...and is awaiting presidential signature. 
This is very upsetting. Here is some talking points that have been gathered by the Farm-to-consumer group. Lots of quotes by FDA that make your skin crawl!

What's wrong with the Food Safety Modernization Act?
These talking points have been provided courtesy of the Farm-To-Consumer Legal Defense Fund:
The FDA Food Safety Modernization Act is fundamentally flawed and is not in the best interest of small farmers, especially those who produce raw milk. The Act is a major threat to the local food movement.
1. FDA does not respect individuals' rights to obtain healthy, quality foods of their choice. The agency has stated, as a matter of public record ( that:
"There is no absolute right to consume or feed children any particular food."
"Plaintiffs' assertion of a 'fundamental right to their own bodily and physical health, which includes what foods they do and do not choose to consume for themselves and their families' is similarly unavailing because plaintiffs do not have a fundamental right to obtain any food they wish."
FDA has even participated in armed raids on small-scale co-ops and membership organizations. This agency should not be given any additional power.
2. FDA has adequate powers under existing law to ensure food safety and effectively deal with foodborne illness outbreaks. FDA has power to inspect, power to detain product and can readily obtain court orders to seize adulterated or misbranded food products or enjoin them from being sold. The problem isn't that FDA needs more power; it's that FDA does not effectively use the power it currently has. The agency has power to inspect imported food yet inspects only 1% of food coming into this country from outside our borders.
3. S.510 does nothing to address many significant food safety problems in this country, such as those resulting from confined animal feeding operations (CAFOs), genetically modified organisms (GMOs), and various contaminants (e.g., BPA, pesticides, herbicides, etc.).
4. FDA has used its existing power to benefit the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries at the expense of public health (e.g., allowing the overuse of antibiotics in confined animal feeding operations and refusing to require labeling for genetically-modified foods). This bill does not address the fundamental problems at this agency in order to truly protect public health.

5. S.510 will expand FDA's involvement in regulating food in intra-state commerce, further interfering with local communities. State and local governments are more than capable of handling any problems related to food in intrastate commerce. All the major outbreaks of foodborne illness involve either imported food or food in inter-state commerce.
6. S.510 will hurt our ability as a nation to be self-sufficient in food production because it has more lenient inspection requirements for foreign than domestic producers creating an unfair advantage for food imports. Giving an advantage to foreign producers will only increase the amount of food imported into this country that does not meet our domestic standards. S.510 does not address food security -- the ability of a country to produce enough food to meet its own needs.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Merry Christmas???

Hi to all my Friends and Family!

I want to share some information with you. This may be a bit unusual but I wanted to share something very close to my heart. I would like you to consider watching a video that explains the pagan roots of our Christian Faith! It is a difficult video because it shakes up what we believe is the foundation of our faith in Messiah. 

This is a 9 part video and takes about 90 minutes so watch it when you have some time to sit.

I will be happy to talk with you about this information and how we should celebrate Messiah throughout the year!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


Shelly is doing pretty good, she has some pain and cramping in her arm and leg and is sleeping a lot. Her headache has subsided and she has a little more energy today than yesterday.

We are having our second Family Farm Day today! On the agenda is milking the cow, sitting on the horse, feeding the chickens, hay ride, making butter, carding and spinning wool from the sheep, and eating honey butter on crackers and milk!

Here are some pics of last week's Farm Day.

I'll post more after today's visit!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Shelly had a seizure last night...

Hi Ya'll,
Well, last night we were playing Pinochle with the family and Shelly went outside to walk the puppies. She came in the house and said, "Mom, I'm having a seizure!" As she yelled, she held her hand and fell on the floor. We prayed, began intervention and after 15 minutes with no response called 911. They couldn't get an IV started and we ended up on our way to the hospital... She ended up in generalized seizure for 1 hour and a focal seizure for 4 more hours because they wouldn't give her enough meds, keeping her heart rate up in the 160's for 5 hours!

We are home tonight and ask that everyone pray for her to recover quickly. Seizures for this long have severe lasting effects on her and cause brain injury. We have not lost hope in what the Father can do for our dear one. She is discouraged. We know the Father works all things for his Glory and for our good.


Monday, November 1, 2010

Shekinah Farm's First Survey!

We have just launched our first survey! Please take a minute to answer our survey if you are interested in attending our classes! You can find the survey here.

We look forward to hearing from you!


Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Classes Coming in November!

Family Farm Day
Thursday, Nov 4th, 1:00 pm and Tuesday, Nov 9th, 1:00 (Farm Day Classes full, we will have Farm Days in Spring)
Cost is $6 per person up to $25 per family

Our Family Farm Day is a fun day on the farm, gather eggs from the chicken house, romp and play with the sheep and goats, try milking a cow, horse or hay rides, spin yarn, make butter, and try some homemade ice cream.

Remember this is an outside activity, please dress appropriately, no sandles.

Space is limited.

Please RSVP

For all classes E-mail christie at

Or call two five six, 8 two nine, 88 seven 4 and leave a message

Soap Making Class
Thursday, November 11, 2010 at 1:00pm
Cost is $6 per person up to $25 per family

We will be making home made lye soap. Everyone will take home a bar of soap, children will make home made bath salts, and we will have a soap carving contest. Science handouts will be available.

Inclement weather reschedule for 11/18
Space is limited.

Please RSVP

Long Term Storage Class
Sunday, November 14, 2010 at 1:00pm

We will be learning how to put food up for long term storage. Bucketing wheat, drying, canning, fermenting, freezing, etc.

Space is limited

Please RSVP

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Spider Beside Her

My husband came in the other day from doing chores and told me that a spider was outside the back door in the summer kitchen. I asked him what kind and he said that it was an Orb spider.  Orb spiders are beautiful yellow and black with very perfect webs. If you include the legs they are larger than a golf ball. They are fascinating spiders.

Well, I was heading out to the summer kitchen and as I approached the glass back door I looked for the spider, but did not see it. As I walked up to the door more closely ready to open it the spider fell from the roof in my face! I am not scared of these big, beautiful spiders, but this startled me and I yelped! My dear husband ran in to see what happened and once informed, replied by saying that he told me it was there! Yeah, well, I knew it was there, but that didn’t stop it from startling me! Can you imagine this falling in your face?

After going in and out of the door several times, the dear spider decided that building its home in the doorway would not be a good situation and moved on. I don’t know where he went, but I’m sure it will be a perfectly made web.

We do not celebrate Halloween, but we have great spiders and webs around the farm. Yah is amazing!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Niji's Progress

Last week, we received a new horse. Her name was Rosie, but she didn't know her name and my daughter called her Niji (see earlier post about her name.) Niji came to Shekinah Farm a little under weight and very skiddish. This past week was spent working with her a bit, teaching her not to be rude, getting her used to our other horse and our farm, and helping her fatten up. She has gotten along well with my old man, Hicks, and is fattening up with a diet of fresh grass, hay, alfalfa and oats. She has adjusted well, although she doesn't like the cows! :) Here are some pics. She is filling out very nicely!

We praise Abba for his hand on the animals of our farm!

Apple Pie in a Jar

1/4 cup honey (1/2 cup sugar)
·         1 cup cornstarch
·         2 teaspoons ground cinnamon
·         1/4 teaspoon ground nutmeg
·         1 teaspoon salt
·         10 cups water
·         3 tablespoons lemon juice
·         7 quarts peeled, cored and sliced apples

1.     Place a rack in the bottom of a large stock pot. Fill pot with hot water. Sterilize 7 1-quart canning jars, 7 lids, and 7 rings by placing on rack, jars upright. Bring water to a boil. Boil 10 minutes. Remove with a holder and allow jars to air-dry. Save water for processing apples.
2.     Combine sugar, cornstarch, cinnamon, nutmeg, salt, and water in a large saucepan. Place over high heat and cook until thick and bubbly, stirring frequently. Remove from heat and stir in lemon juice.
3.     Tightly pack apples into sterilized jars. Slowly pour syrup over apples, covering them completely. Slide knife down inside of jars to allow air bubbles to rise. Clean jar top edges. Screw lids on jars.
4.     Carefully lower jars into pot using a holder. Leave a 2 inch space between jars. Add more boiling water if necessary, until tops of jars are covered by 2 inches of water. Bring water to a full boil, then cover and process for 30 minutes.
5.     Remove jars from pot and place on cloth-covered or wood surface, several inches apart, until cool. Once cool, press top of each lid with finger, ensuring that seal is tight (lid doesn't move up or down at all). Sealed jars can be stored for up to a year.

These are great for gifts any time of the year!

Easiest Applesauce

4 apples - peeled, cored and chopped

3/4 cup water
2 Tablespoons honey as needed (depends on type of apples)
1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon (if desired)

In a saucepan, combine apples, water, sugar, and cinnamon. Cover, and cook over medium heat for 15 to 20 minutes, or until apples are soft. Allow to cool, then mash with a fork or potato masher.

This recipe can be increased according to the amount of apples and the size of your pot!
You can also use a slow cooker for 3-4 hours until apples are soft for mashing.
We like to leave some chunks for texture.

Hot pack jars with sauce and run them in the water bath canner for 5 minutes to seal.

Monday, October 11, 2010

The Puppies have New Homes!

Today the last of the puppies were adopted and have gone to new homes. I pray YHVH keeps each puppy in the safety of his hand and that they have loving homes and long lives.

We did keep one puppy. A person was supposed to take one of the puppies and he backed out.. in the mean time, Shelly has grown attached to her and she has talked Daddy into letting her keep it.

So, we have a puppy... well, 2 because my son decided to keep one of them too... sigh. Oh, and did I mention my other daughter adopted one, too. Well, so we found homes for 9 of them and the other 3 have adopted our family. Still, I didn't keep all 12 (thank goodness!) So, here she is (she is the one on the left).
She was the runt, and is the smallest. Shelly has named her Rivka. She is a darlin' isn't she!

Our son, Ricky, has named his pup Emit (we affectionately call him Emet, which means truth in Hebrew.) I don't have a picture of him yet and the battery on my camera is dead. Guess I'll have to break down and go buy a new cord (I know it will show up the minute I buy a new one, but I can't function without my camera!)


Wednesday, October 6, 2010

New Horse!

Hey, Ya'll!
Well, I meant to post this last night but life got in the way! So, yesterday morning the farrier showed up on time (thanks, Jessica) with a trailer and a beautiful Sorrel Filly!

She is spirited, but sweet. A little thin, but healthy. She came with the name Rosie, but Shelly decided that since Rosie doesn't really know her name she wanted to change it. She decided to name her Niji (pronounced nee-jee). Niji is a Cherokee word for partner. This means that Shelly has decided that she will work with her and has made Niji her own. Yah has answered our prayers and Shelly was out this morning feeding her a bucket of oats and getting her hay.

We will never forget Sasha, but Yah has a reason for everything, and we praise him for his excellent greatness!

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Time to Make Socks!

We have just finished our Sukkot celebration, the weather is cooling off, and the days are getting shorter. What does that mean to me? Crackling fires (outside currently, but soon, in the wood cookstove in the kitchen!), soup and fresh, warm bread, family game nights, and evenings working on some sewing or knitting project.

So the project I will start tonight will be socks! I promised Shelly I would make her a pair of socks out of some specialty yarn we bought last year and I haven't had a chance to start them. Actually, I started a shawl for her during her surgery and put it on the shelf for the summer (I am too busy in summer with gardens and summer activities to knit). I pulled it out last week and got it finished on Friday.

 Isn't she gorgeous? Anyway, finished just in time for the cool weather! But, now our feet are cold! So I'll get started on her socks and do some spinning for myself. I am still learning to spin, so I will make some "designer" yarn for myself and make a scarf.

Her socks will be made with Opal Specialty Sock Yarn and I will try my hand at knitting two at a time, toe up, on two circular needles. The last two pairs I made were two at a time, cuff down, on 2 circulars. I will probably make a few pair for myself out of worsted wool for warm footies to wear around the house this winter.

I picked up several yards of different colored corduroy fabric for $1.99 at the fabric store so I will be making some jumpers and skirts for us for warm winter clothes. Yay, for fabric sales!  I am looking forward to winter projects.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Ponderings Over the Past Year

I just found out that we are getting a free horse on Tuesday! She is a 3 yr old, red TN Walker. She has been ridden, but not much and needs some work. Shelly was back and forth on weather she wanted another horse and she is a bit nervous about it. I think it will be good for her to get back to working with a horse again.

So, Yah is faithful to restore what is taken. This time of Sukkot is the time when the Torah scroll is rolled back to the beginning. A time when we look over the past year, remembering His blessings, and ponder what will come. As I look back over the year in this time of 'New Beginnings' I consider all that has happened.

Last year at this time we were standing at the river, looking at the giants in the land... making the decision to cross over or to let fear erase the blessings Yah had given in the wilderness. The choice? To have brain surgery.

As the year progressed, we were blessed with sheep and goats, had them attacked by dogs, had brain surgery, had baby sheep, lost our bull calf, had a new calf, new bee hives, nursed sick mama cows, lost one of our horses, and were abundantly blessed with gardens, lots of fresh fruit, children all summer, puppies and now to finish it off, a new horse... young enough to teach to pull and ride.

And the river we crossed, Shelly is seizure free and coming off her meds, out of Babylon! There were good times and bad, but how would we recognize the good without the bad? How would we see Yah's blessing without the need for one? As Tevia would say, "Somewhere in the good book it says, 'the Lord giveth and the  Lord taketh away.'" I don't believe that anything is ours, but all belongs to Yah, so he can take, give, and redistribute as he pleases! He is good!

Thursday, September 30, 2010

We're Up to our Elbows in Honey!

We’re up to our Elbows in Honey and Other News from the Farm!

Literally! We spent the afternoon filtering our honey! We ended up with two full 5 gallon buckets and a couple quarts. I promptly gave one quart to Yvonne, my honey helper (she loves to get her hands gooey,)  and the other to my mom who has been out of honey for weeks waiting for me to get our honey (she refused to buy it from the store.)

So the whole process went something like this…
I poured the honey (extremely) slowly through my large metal colander (I don’t like to heat it up in case I kill any of the good bacteria.) Once I got the large particles out, I poured it into a cheese cloth that was then squeezed by my friend Yvonne and Shelly (my daughter).  We squeezed it into clean 5 gallon buckets and popped the lids on. Done! Well, it took a bit longer than that… actually we started at 3:00 and finished about 6 so a total of 3 hours plus clean up.

Oh the clean up! Of course we cleaned periodically during the whole process, but afterward I washed the floor in my kitchen several times and still stick to it! I’m glad Donna and Danielle come in the morning. Donna and Danielle help me with the house work on preparation day, floors and bathrooms! What a blessing! I do Danielle’s hair every couple weeks and pay them a small amount to help. Yah is truly good!
Finally, Satch got a raise. Not as much as he did a couple years ago (I should tell you about how Yah blessed then), but enough to feel a little bit of a difference.  It will sure help with Ricky moving back home and Grandpa Norm’s hours getting cut to 2 days a week.

So let’s reminisce for a moment….
Two years ago, Abba started telling us to do specific things that cost big bucks. My dear husband, Satch, works as an office/logistics person (sets up classes, orders supplies, etc) and does not get top pay. So I just shook my head and said, “Abba, if you want us to do all this you will have to provide the funds. We can’t afford it.”  That was in September. Well, in October, Satch came home with his pay statement and it had a pay raise on it. He got a 25% per hour raise! How’s that for stepping up to the plate!  The Father is amazing!

Well, enough ramblings tonight. I’ll catch ya’ll up again soon. Tomorrow I make grape jam!


Tuesday, September 28, 2010

The Grapes are Juiced!

Hey Y'all!
I finally finished juicing the 2 bushels of grapes I bought.. and all the 'mash' is in the freezer for making jam. Whew!

I made a home-made juicer using my water bath canner, a stainless steel bowl and colander. I'll try to get picks to put up soon. It was a bit tricky and I may make some changes for next week when I get the next bushel of grapes, but it worked pretty good! We averaged about 4 quarts of juice for each 1/2 bushel box. I didn't try to get more, I'll use the rest of the juice for jam next week.

I still have a bushel of tomatoes in the back fridge that I need to put-up and the honey to clean. They will have to wait until Thursday cause I'm tuckered out and tomorrow we have to run to town.

Today, I went to a gentleman's home that had some interesting items for sale. I got an old popcorn popper, ash bucket, butter mold, coffee grinder, potato and onion bin, and pitcher and bowl for under $50. Everything is usable and in excellent condition. I look forward to popping some corn!

Well, if I can find the cord for my camera, I could put pics up... but alas, it is missing... I'll keep looking so I can get some pics up here!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Big Bee Adventure!

I woke up this morning expecting to work with the bees, remove the supers and harvest our honey. I looked forward to this with eager anticipation and sent DH out to get a 5 gal bucket we had in the summer kitchen, turned puppy play area (we have 12 puppies almost ready for their new homes!) As he was walking toward the back door with bucket in hand I saw a huge wasp nest swarming with wasps inside the bucket and yelled, “NO! NO! NO! Wasps!” At the same time he felt them crawling on his hand and he threw the bucket down and ran into the house. We watched safely behind the glass storm door as the wasps flew angrily around our screen enclosed back porch. I intended to work with the bees, but these were not the kind I wanted to work with!Finally, the wasps settled down and I could get to my bee keeping equipment and off I went to work with the ‘real’ bees. Our three hives are good and strong this year! We got 6 very full supers off and ended up with over 12 gallons of honey (to be strained and bottled next week.) What a wonderful Yahovah we serve! He has truly blessed us with a little piece of land flowing with milk and honey!

Friday, August 27, 2010

Pears and Plums!

We picked up pears and plums today! More work but it will be worth it come winter! We have 2 bushels of plums and 2 bushels of pears to put up this upcoming week. Yummmm!

I think I will make plum preserves and syrup. The pears will just be canned.

Yah blesses continually!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

The Puppies are Here! 12!

Maya had her puppies! They are adorable! So, we didn't plan on having puppies. Maya was supposed to go in to get fixed just after her first heat... well, she found a way out of the fence and was promiscuous, the naughty girl. Needless to say we now have 12 puppies that need homes! I will try to find the camera cord so I can get pics up!

Monday, July 19, 2010

We have Peaches!

I just got 3 bushels of peaches from our fruit co-op! Mom and I spent all day Sunday canning them, whew, were we ever tired after that!

But, we now have fresh canned peaches for the winter! 58 quarts to be exact! We will really enjoy these come winter time! I put another 1/2 bushel in the freezer for smoothies. Yah is good!

Friday, July 16, 2010

4th of July - No Celebration

The past few weeks have been difficult. First the Water Hemlock scare and then Shelly's horse Sasha is sick. She came up colicky and we had the vet out on Sabbath. We walked her around and around the back yard all weekend. She finally was feeling better but she had started getting sores on her hip bones. We thought it was from rolling, but they were not getting better... we called the vet again and he gave us an antibiotic to give her.

Then Shelly's cat, Barucha, was hit by a car. The neighbor came over to ask if it was hers. We found her collar. :( Shelly was devastated, her horse is sick and now her cat was dead.

Four days into the antibiotic, Sasha was dead. After talking to the vet and discussing what may have happened, as well as deciding we couldn't afford an autopsy, we had the county come out and bury her.

I prayed, I pleaded, but alas, there is death and dieing on the farm along with life. Sometimes there is no way to know how or why. This has been a tough year of losses. Maybe it is preparation for things to come. Maybe it is a test to see if we continue to give glory to the One who gives life. Maybe... ?

In all situations, we give Glory to the One True Creator and Life Giver of all things, YHVH, for His love for us is above measure and understanding! As with Job, what he takes away, he will restore if we remain faithful.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Water Hemlock Scare!

This past weekend we had a scare. As we were sitting in the swing under the shade of one of our big Maple Trees in the back yard on Shabbat watching the sheep graze, Ester (one of our new lambs) stood up, shook her head, then fell down! Then she began convulsing! I watched as she stopped and attempted to stand and the convulsions started again! 

I ran in to the computer to see what could cause seizures in sheep or lambs… WOW! there are a lot of options! But the one that seemed the most compelling (through the guidance of the Holy Spirit, I’m sure) was Water Hemlock poisoning. I researched Water Hemlock and seizures in sheep (all of this as fast as I could out of concern for the poor lamb that was convulsing in the back yard) and found that most sheep die from this and if they have eaten enough to have seizures they most certainly die. We went out to where she was just grazing and found LOTS of Water Hemlock! We had never had it growing here before, not in the past 11 years!

Well, I made a black liquid mess of water and activated charcoal and took a large syringe and shoved it down her little throat! After two syringes full, she’d had enough and got up and wobbled away, still listing to the right and shaking her head, looking for mama. We kept an eye on her for the day and prayed that the Father help her survive and for us to find all the Water Hemlock on our little homestead. We found it growing in moist areas around the water troughs, the water spigot, and our rain tanks. We cut it down carefully and got as much as we could away from the sheep.

Sunday morning we went outside, Ester was still listing to the right, but no more seizures. However, Moshe, our ram, was down on his side. Not really convulsing, but not getting up either… I went immediately to make the charcoal and water remedy, twice as much as I had made for the lamb and headed out the door. Satch helped me get the solution into him and we helped him to his feet to keep him moving, if possible. He moved slowly at first, and finally went to where the others were.

By Tuesday, both Ester and Moshe were symptom free and eating heartily at the grass in the back yard.

I thank Yahweh for His hand on the little ones he has put in our keep and for the leading as to what to do. We have since found that we have Gypsum Weed, Water Hemlock, and Buttercups, all poison to the animals… we have our work cut out for us! We hate to use poison on our farm, but these plants are too dangerous to have around the animals, so we are spraying them with roundup in some areas and 1 year sterilizer in other areas where we don’t want weeds, grass, or anything else to grow. The enemy will not have the victory on Shekinah Farm!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Co-op order for July and New Co-op!!!

Hi Everyone!
We have recently signed up with Bulk Natural Foods to be a pick up person for fresh fruits, veggies, grains, nuts and seeds (a much more, check out their website). This is an easy to do co-op, you order directly from them and tell them where you want to pick up the order… they set up the orders and I pick them up and
bring them to the pick up point (my house unless you are on my way
home, Ardmore for example.) I will be set up to start our pick up
location for the July order. I am very excited about this one because
it will give us fresh fruits and veggies in bulk that you can dry, can
or freeze for winter!

I am still doing the co-op from Harvest Time Natural foods and can get
up-to-date prices from them when you send your order. Our next co-op
order from Harvest Time will be June 27th Please contact me with your
orders by then so I can fax them by the 28th.. this will get our order
in shortly after the 1st of the month. You can find co-op information


Sunday, May 23, 2010

Shavuot Rest!

Yah in His infinite wisdom knows us better than ourselves! This past couple of months has been a busy time on the the farm as we have been preparing the garden, planting, weeding and working hard as we grow our food for the upcoming year. From Pesach to Shavuot we scurry around, hauling manure, tilling the soil, building raised beds, planting seeds, planting plants, and all the bussle of the garden that comes with spring. Then we arrive at Shavuot. It is amazing because after all that work, Yah provides a weekend of Sabbath Rest. Oh, do we need it at this point, and He knows it! I love His forethought and wisdom for us and how he has planned our lives so perfectly (if we would only look.)

Unfortunately, my garden is not completely done, but the rest is appreciated! Praise Him for his Excellent Greatness! (Ps. 150)

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Co-op Time Again!

Hey Folks!
It’s that time again! We will need everyone’s co-op order in by Sunday April 11th.  I will also be making a bucket order at the end of April for those of you that are interested. I still have mylar bags and O2 absorbers for those interested.


Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Happy New Year!

Today, at sundown, we will be entering into the new Biblical year. The Barley was found to be at the correct state of ripeness (Aviv) and the moon could not be seen last night due to it’s position in the sky in Israel, so the new moon has been differed to the 30th day after the past new moon.

In 14 days we will be celebrating Passover and then Unleavened Bread. We look forward to the Spring Feasts and remember the coming of our Messiah Yeshua (Jesus) to take the place of the lamb of Passover that was slain for our redemption.

We will be spring cleaning until Passover to remove the leaven from our home, our life, our heart. The most important thing is to look for sin in our heart and things in our life that may cause us to sin. This year the Father has put on my heart to be careful of mixing. This is a primary theme throughout the Word. When the people made the golden calf while Moses was on the mountain, they said that there was a Holy day and that they would worship the Creator G-d with the golden calf they built. G-d was furious! He does not want us to worship him the way that the pagans worship their gods. Over and over he reminds us not to mix or mingle. We will be cleaning out things that may be mixing in our home and our lifestyle.

There is controversy about which year it will be, but Michael Rood suggests that this is the year 6010. I think his info is accurate and important so check out his sight.

Happy New Year!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

New Calf!

Well, Shemayim had her calf! It is a girl, she is beautiful, all brown. Since the barley was found aviv in the Land of Israel, we have decided to name her Aviva! Aviva means young grain or Springtime! So her name means Springtime! You can find her pics on my facebook here: Yiska’s Farm Pics 
Anyway, the potatoes are planted and the early peas are in… waiting for a bit more warmth to plant much else… next in will be the cabbage, broccoli and cauliflower. I love spring! (don’t really like the muck in the barn tho!)
It is amazing that for the past year we have had only girl babies on the farm. Yah has blessed us abundantly this year and we look forward to our new year with expectation and awe. As we prepare for Passover, cleaning the house, cleaning our lifestyle, cleaning our heart, we look back over the year and can only give thanks for all that we have been through and all that Yah has brought us through. Shelly’s tests and her surgery, the loss of animals and bees, and then the gift of more than we lost, the planting, the small harvest and the abundance of joy we have in our Messiah. May this new year be blessed and sweet as we spend another year praising the Creator.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Baby Lambs are busting out all over!

Leah had her lamb. A ewe lamb almost all black with a few white hairs on the top of her head. Rachaela is what we are calling her.

Today is Purim, 2/28/10
Posey had twin ewes! One is black and one white. We will call them Esther (black one) and Hadassah (white) in celebration of Purim!

Check out the pics at facebook -

Yah brings new life to our farm and blesses us continually!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Co-op Order

Hello to all…
We will be putting in another co-op order. Please email or call by 9:00 PM Sunday, Feb 21st.

Once you send in your order, please send a check to me written toMike Arthur. Please leave the amount blank and I will inventory your order upon arrival and fill in the amount (It will not be more than $20 over order total unless you let me know otherwise.) DO NOT write the check to me. I need your check by the time the order arrives. It usually takes approximately a week to arrive but this varies according to Mike’s schedule and availability of products.

The price list is a little old, hoping to get a new one soon, but you can check it out at under the link for co-op.

To subscribe to an email notification send an email to

Email me for the address!

Thursday, January 28, 2010

On the Farm...

Ok, so while we were gone to surgery, something attacked our sheep and goats again! This time while they were in the barn… well, it was my dad and brother’s dogs. We lost our second goat and one of the sheep is limping. Dad is going to find a home for his dog… she is really sweet and trained (but can’t live on a farm) if you know anyone who wants her. My brother said he isn’t getting rid of his dog and will keep him with him at all times (tonight he is at work and the dog is running around… I put him in their house.)

The shotgun is ready to pick up from the repair guy…

We just got some homing pigeons (they don’t have a home yet) and they are white… so beautiful! I love the sound they make… they are named Yonah and Zipporah. They are a mating pair so we will have babies that can home eventually.

Otherwise, all is well… we are expecting lambs and a calf in February. I’m trying to clean my house and working on my garden while Shelly is recuperating.

Busy times ahead!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Final Update on Shelly

Whew! I’m exhausted… But we are home! Yay! My own bed felt so comfortable after sleeping in chairs, hospital rooms and hotel beds!
So,  Tuesday morning ICU has Shelly up in the chair at 4 am and by 7 we’re headin’ to the MRI and then to the regular room. The Docs came in and said everything looked great and asked Shelly if she wanted to go home today! (I’m a little stressed by now and wonder if we can’t wait til Wednesday?) But, alas, the docs had different ideas! Shelly walked around the ward a couple times and took a couple catnaps, ate breakfast and lunch and sat in her chair until the Surgeon came by to take the central line out. 

They finished getting everything done and by 5pm we were heading to the Ronald McDonald house to clean up and load up. We ate dinner there and started for home about 6:30. We had to get some prescriptions filled on the way home and by the time we got to Huntsville we ended up going to 3 pharmacies to get them. Then we headed home.

Shelly’s night went well, she was up early this morning and came in to bed with me for a catnap. She has been up today helping a bit and ate a good breakfast. She is resting now and the swelling has gone down to just minimal. She gets cold easy, probably due to no hair, and tires out quick, but that will get better in a few days. She will have her staples out a week from Thursday!

Our Thanksgiving and prayers go first to the Heavenly Father who has His hand in all we do and has made miracles as we walked this difficult path. And second to each of you who have walked with us, holding us up in prayer as we have made tough decisions and faced fearful situations. 

Special thanks and blessings to those of you who have helped us through with encouragement and physical and financial aid, we could not have done this without your obedience to the Father. Our sincerest gratitude for your obedience.

We pray now for each of you that Yahweh bless and keep you, Yahweh make his face shine upon you and be gracious unto you, and Yahweh turn His face toward you and give you Shalom. Amen.

Yahweh is amazing!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Post Cards

If you have been praying for Shelly, we would love for you to send her a post card… she has people praying for her all over the world and we thought she would really enjoy getting a post card from each of you with your location on the picture. It would encourage her during the recovery time and give her something to look forward to. We want to make a collage for her room to reminder her how Yahweh uses His people to pray and stand in the gap. If you can send her just a simple post card with a word of encouragement we would appreciate it!

Send your postcard to:
Shelly Berry
PO Box 8391
Huntsville, AL 35808

Monday, January 25, 2010

Second Surgery Update

Ok, So Shelly is out of surgery and in ICU until tomorrow. Lots has happened today. This morning the neurologist did a test to find the good areas around the bad area of the brain… wanting to make sure they don’t disturb the good areas when they to the resection (removal of the area of brain that is causing the seizures.) The test should take about 2 hours. So they get started and the nurse decides that she needs to start the plasma that was ordered for an hour earlier right when the doc is trying to set up for the test.. hmmm. So the doc stops the test and waits until she is done.
Then the blood pressure machine starts beeping because she didn’t turn it off. Then the nurse call button starts calling the nurse (but no one is pushing the button). Hmmmm. Then the remote control (connected to the call button) starts changing the channel all by itself. Then the plasma finishes and the machine starts beeping… then Shelly has to go to the bathroom and we finally take a break…. start back up with test and the doc gets an emergency page. Then a student calls him and he goes out to meet her so she can find him so she can observe. 3 hours later we finally finish the testing! The enemy was really in the way.

The test results are in and the brain mapping is done and they come to talk to me. The neurologist that was doing the language analysis said that her language area had remapped to another area of the brain (same as the physical when we did the MEG last spring). The seizure data showed that there is a very precise area in the brain that is causing the seizures. They told me this info at 1:30 today and said they would be taking her to surgery as soon as the OR opened up (at 3:30).  I asked one of the neurologists if he were to put a percentage on a cure from this surgery for Shelly what would it be… he told me better than 75%! Yahweh is Great!
Shelly’s surgery went well. She has a really bad headache. Satch is staying with her tonight in ICU. Tomorrow they want her up and moving early, 6 AM in the chair. Her eyes will be swollen for a while and there is a lot of bruising from surgery, but she has come through with flying colors. They did an EEG after her surgery and she had no more seizure spikes!

We should be going home on Wednesday and will have a couple weeks before the staples come out and 6 weeks before she can go back to full normal activity.

We will be keeping a low profile for the next couple weeks while she recuperates. Keep us in prayer (so we don’t go stir crazy!) and in a few weeks we would love to have company!

Late Update, Shelly is in Surgery

Hello all,
Shelly went into surgery at 3:30 pm today and is still in surgery. The Docs were able to compile the data and map her procedure earlier. They did a language evaluation and test to see where her language center was in the area with the electrodes. Once that was completed, they took her to surgery…

I will let everyone know how things go tonight.

Thank you for your continued prayers.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Shelly's Seizure Update

This morning they moved Shelly from the NICU to the Seizure monitoring unit. She hadn’t had any seizures through the night. We were hopeful today that seizures would come and they did. She began having mild seizure activity that was only detectable by the internal monitor, but they were not showing up in her body. We had to stay with her to monitor when the seizures showed in her body. Well, my dad and brother had made it to visit and get Satch’s truck home and my mom and I saw an opportunity to take a break and we walked down to the street. My phone rang and it was my brother telling me that Shelly had gone into seizure. We hurried back upstairs.

They had given her 2 mg of ativan to stop the seizure by the time we arrived. The seizure didn’t stop, so they gave her 2 more. The seizure didn’t stop. The neurologist asked me how long it takes for her to come out of seizure. I told him when you give her enough meds! She was having a generalized tonic clonic that went static (for those of you who know seizure terminology.) The doc was really concerned and gave her another 2 mg of ativan, it was 45 minutes into the seizure. Still it didn’t stop, so he asked me how much we give her. I told him 10 mg of diastat at a time up to 20 mg. He called the nurse for the ambu bag and we cleared the room (except for mom and me.)  They gave her another 2 mg of ativan and loaded her with dilantin. She finally started showing signs of the seizure activity slowing down. He asked if she had ever had a static seizure before and I explained that for the last several years all of her seizures were static. They were very concerned and sent her back to the NICU.

She is doing better tonight. She is sleeping mostly and Satch is staying with her in the NICU.

The docs have decided that they have enough info for surgery and that they don’t want to see her go into stasis again (prolonged seizure.) They have her back on her meds and it seems that they may do the surgery Monday afternoon. We will know better tomorrow.  Yahweh has blessed.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Shelly's First Surgery Update

Shelly got out of surgery at 11:30 and is doing well. The mesh is in place and she is hooked to the monitor. She has a headache and sore throat from the vent tube. When she was finally hungry, they brought her a big piece of chocolate cake which she quickly devoured! Tonight she will be in the NICU (Neuro-surgical ICU) to be monitored. We found favor with the neurosurgeon and got special permission to stay with her in the NICU. Tomorrow they will move her to the seizure monitoring unit. Now we wait. They want to monitor the beginning of her seizures, a minimum of 3, so it may take a little time to get 3 or more separate incidences. We are praying they come quickly.

We are not getting much sleep, so please pray also for us to get restful sleep.

More updates to come.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

What's been happening

Hey to all!
We came down to B-ham on Wed… The Ronald McDonald house did not have an opening, so it was off to the Motel (not much sleep there, it was right next to the freeway!)

Then Satch’s truck broke down on the way down here last night and I had to wake up and drive to get him (hasatan is still alive and well and bothering people on planet Earth!)

This morning we visited with the doc and anesthesiologist and did Shelly’s blood work. She cried, but was brave and all was well. She still wants to go home!

Satch had the truck towed to the nearest exit and My dad and Brother will bring my mom’s car (so Satch can get home on Sunday) and their truck and car hauler down on Saturday. They will visit and then pick up Satch’s truck on the way home.

This afternoon we got into the Ronald McDonald house (thank goodness, ’cause now we have to repair a truck!) and went to get some groceries. Money doesn’t go as far here as it does at home! $250 of groceries was very little! But we found out that they will feed us here at the House breakfast and dinner, so we just needed lunch stuff.

We have to be at the hospital tomorrow morning at 5AM so it will be an early night tonight.

Blessings to all who are praying for us!

Monday, January 18, 2010

4 days until Surgery

Shelly is nervous and wishing it was all over…

The Father has truly stepped in and provided for our finances! Baruch HaShem Yahweh! Thank you to everyone that has helped us! May Yahweh Bless you and Keep you!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Shelly's Progress

Hello to all,
On Jan 20th Shelly will be going in for brain surgery. Please pray God’s hand in all that happens. I will update our blog from the hospital as I can.

The hotel will run us $45/night (plus tax) and we expect to be there for 2 weeks. Currently there is a waiting list at the Ronald McDonald house of 20 families. You can make donations via paypal to Thank you!

Please share this blog site with all who will pray for us during this difficult time. You can read Shelly’s Story here.

Thank you and Blessings,
Richard and Christie Berry

Friday, January 8, 2010

Bye Bye Matilde, we will miss you!

Well, Matilde’s health is going down hill. She won’t weight bear anymore and she is not as alert. So, today I will cut her hair and when Satch gets home we will put her down… I just can’t do it. But, I also can’t keep her suffering.

Sometimes it is difficult to know what is best. How long to wait, when to decide there is nothing more to do. I know that all things work for our good through Messiah, but it is hard.

The rest of the animals have made it through the cold snap and we have been closing the sheep and goats in the barn at night. Father, keep our animals protected.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Farm Journal 1/07/10

It was sleeting when I went out for chores this morning… I found Matilde (one of my 3 angora goats) lying on her side in the ice! I thought for sure she was dead! She had been attacked sometime in the night. Her skin on her right side is slashed and there is a large gaping would where the skin is open the size of a fist. She was alive and I drug her into the barn. I gave her some vit b complex, antibiotic, prevail, feed with molasses, warm water and hay. She was eating a bit. After chores I brought her to the house to clean up her wounds and warm her up, she was wet to the bone and half froze. I cut the hair away and found a real mess. I cleaned her wounds, sprayed them with furall. I think I’m going to have to stitch up the largest wound. Maybe I can shave it and get away with some super glue, but I’m not sure, will try that first. She is warming up now on the floor in the kitchen in front of the fire. I hope she makes it, she is the oldest and may just give up… we’ll see.

Praying for Yah’s hand on our animals as we figure out what to do and what happened.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Matilde and the Weather

Matilde is still with us. She made it through the night, she is still quite wet and not willing to stand. She is eating and pottying (on my kitchen floor!) She did stand for a few seconds last night. We are watching for infection. I am hoping I can move her to the back porch today before Sabbath, but we may have her in the kitchen for Sabbath instead because of the weather!

The weather… We are in the teens at night and warm up to freezing during the day. Not normal for our neck of the woods. Darn global warming! High today is supposed to get up to 23F if it makes it! So, sick goat will not do well outside if she won’t walk.

Today’s list of todo’s will include yesterday’s list since yesterday was spent vetting Matilde. I’ll post a pic in the gallery as soon as I have a minute.

Update on Matilde

Well, it is now evening, Matilde has been eating a little bit. She hasn’t attempted to get up yet, the super glue is holding. Now we wait. We pray Yah’s hand on His creation! She is drying out and resting.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Farm Journal 1/03/10 Update

Ok, so we didn’t do the bad deed with Spot… it is way too cold today, it warmed up to a whopping 27 F so far! Wow, heat wave!

I have good news!!! Our Bees are alive!!!! Yay, David went out to get the hives to clean up, but I suggested he check to see if they may still be alive… sure enough they were clustered way at the bottom of the hive box, still buzzing…very quietly and staying warm. He put a brick on top of the lid so it wouldn’t shift off and they should be ok!!! Makes me want to cry! I’m so happy!

Another piece of good news… 31 is in standing heat! Came in this afternoon… called Kelly to AI and he should be here in the morning. It’s a good day!

Farm Journal 1/03/10

It is a cold day with the temp this morning sitting at 16F ~ Brrrrrr!

We’ve been getting around 7-8 eggs daily (so glad the roosters are outa there!)

Shemayim’s dry-off is going well. She gets upset when we go out and she doesn’t get to eat as much, but she’ll be fine, just perturbed.

We lost our last bee hive this past week. :(  I went out to feed them before this recent freeze and they were dead. Apparently, the lid was askew and they froze (could’ve been dogs using the hive to hop the fence?). So now I will have to buy 4 splits to be where I am supposed to be this spring. 

Expensive honey!

Today we will castrate Spot-O-Beef! Oh Joy! Last night Satch watched Dirty Jobs and Mike Rowe was cutting lambs! He had pulled the ball sac with his teeth… yuck! I promised Satch I wouldn’t use my teeth! Bleh! I won’t be able to video tape the process because we are short handed for the work, but will give a blow by blow description when we are done!

We will pick up the stove pipe and chimney for the wood cook stove today… hope to get it in soon so we can have better heat in the house… currently we are using an LP ventless wall mount heater, sitting on bricks with canisters of propane attached to it. The propane isn’t piped into the house yet, hope to do that this spring. If we can get the wood stove in it is big enough to heat the great room, then we can use the propane at night for the bedrooms.

I started a Medical Missionary course last night. There are 2 10 day classes: the first started last night and continues nightly until the 12th. The second will be in February.  Last night I learned so much I was overwhelmed and so excited! I look forward to the rest of the classes and to be able to help people with disease! The outcomes are amazing.

Well, I’ll catch you up with the castrating later! Yew!